  • 學位論文

串聯庫存生產系統之分析:運用phase-type distribution 估計

Analysis of The Tandem Production System With End Buffer: A Phase-Type Distribution Approach

指導教授 : 張國華


在競爭力日益增加的社會下,製造業者必須做好每一個決策,哪怕只要有一個錯誤決定,都可能被其他製造商給取代,因此大部分的業者為了使自家產品在市場上有更佳的競爭力,都以壓低產品價格為首要目標,在要兼顧產品競爭力及利潤情形下,都會採用大量生產來壓低成本,但並不是說一昧的大量生產就一定會把成本壓低,當供遠過於求時會產生很多不必要的庫存成本,到時候反而會適得其反。然而製造商不可能將所有的生產過程都一手包辦,必須要向上游供應商訂購所需的生產原物料或者是半成品,但供應商也有他的前置時間,所以沒有好的庫存管理可能會導致顧客的需求等候時間太高及最後造成流失,因此,有個好的庫存管理系統對於製造商而言會是個很大的幫助。 基於上述的原因,等候線系統可以用來幫助我們建構和製造業者的生產系統相符之系統,並且利用數學方法去求得分析所需要的績效指標,並使績效指標在達到預期標準的條件下找到最佳化的基本庫存水準。在此動機之下,本研究將探討串聯庫存生產系統,利用phase-type distribution求不會等待的訂單的需求滿足率(Fill rate)以及會等待的訂單的on-time-delivery-rate(OTDR)來當作衡量此生產系統的績效指標,在給定這兩個績效指標的條件下,找到最佳的庫存量。


Manufacturers must make a good decision under the more and more competitive environment. They could be driven out by other competitors with improper or wrong decisions. Thus, to make their products more competitive in the market, a majority of manufacturers adopt a cost-down strategy as a main measure by mass production. However, mass production does not guarantee a successful cost-down strategy due to a number of reasons, such as inventory costs by the uncertain a product demand. Even the opposite results are possibly and exactly produced. Furthermore, manufacturers can't do all the productions by themselves; they must be ordered to upstream suppliers of raw material or semi-finished products. However, suppliers have their lead time, so customers will spend too much time in waiting for their demands and finally such customers are lost if a bad inventory management is provided. Therefore, a good inventory management system will benefit manufacturers a lot. Due to the above reasons, a queueing model can help us construct a system conforming to production system owned by manufacturers. And use the mathematical methods to obtain the performance indices. Through allowing performance indices achieving predicted conditions, optimal base-stock level will be found. For such motivations, this study will discuss a tandem production system with end buffer, acquire fill rate of no wait demands and on-time-delivery-rate(OTDR) of wait demands that is regarded as performance indices of measuring production system by using phrase-type distribution. Finally, we will find the optimal base-stock level under the conditions of performance indices.


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