  • 學位論文


A Report of an Indentifiable System for the Broadcasting Industry in Asia

指導教授 : 朱嘉樺


摘要 自民國82 年2 月政府釋出第一波新頻道以來,至91 年12 月底止,共開放十梯次廣 播電台申設,目前國內共有174 家廣播電台,隨著電台開放競爭日趨白熱化,本研究主 要目的是藉由目前台灣廣播產業作一系列CIS 企業識別分析,為瞭解目前國內廣播電台 的現況,以及面對國際數位化媒體的衝擊下,如何能讓廣播電台屹立不搖、不被淘汰。 亞洲電台依播出屬性來分設「調頻」、「衛星」兩大平台,依照聽眾喜好,陸續成立了台北、 桃園FM92.7 亞洲電台;新竹、苗栗FM92.3 亞太電台;桃園、新竹、苗栗FM89.5 飛揚電台; 另為甫成立運作的ASIA FM 亞洲衛星流行音樂廣播,下設「流行音樂台」、「經典音樂台」兩 個頻道;以及ASIA NET RADIO 網路廣播等,本研究為研擬亞洲廣播電台運用企業識別系統增 加聽眾企業印象,作為國內廣播業者企業識別之參考。 分析目前台灣廣播、媒體產業之成功案例,如:飛碟電台、NEWS98、IC 之音、台灣電視 公司等企業,做一系列深入的企業識別探討,瞭解目前廣播產業之聽眾,對於企業識別的重視 度,並藉由比較各家競爭電台之實際作法,找出廣播電台運用企業別系統之概念與策略。 經由成功案例之瞭解與分析,透過企業識別之規劃運用,對內結合企業文化及理念建立員 工向心力,對外展現節目的專業度,塑造亞洲電台之新形象,並提供國內廣播業者未來發展之 參考。本研究結果呈現勇於創新與改變企業識別,以提升亞洲廣播電台之形象辨識度,並創造 企業競爭優勢,使其在新廣播媒體時代能夠異軍突起佔有一席之地,提供國內未來廣播業者之 參考依據。


Abstract Since the first broadcasters release in February 1993, the Government Information Office has issued ten times of broadcasters application to December 2002. Recently, there are 174 broadcasters in Taiwan. As broadcasters’ competition has turned white hot, this study analyzes broadcasting industry in Taiwan with CIS (corporation identity system) to make a description of broadcasters existing condition. Moreover, under an impact of international digital media, how to broadcasting… According to attribute of broadcasting, Asia Radio establishes FM (Frequency Modulation) and satellite. In accordance with listeners’ interest, it continually establishes FM92.7 Asia Radio within Taipei/Taoyuan, FM92.3 Asia Radio within Hsinchu/ Miaoli, and FM89.5 Fly Radio with Taoyuan/ Hsinchu/ Miaoli. In addition, under Asia FM Asia Satellite Pop Music Broadcasting, there are both music radio of Pop Music Radio and Classic Music Radio and Asia Net Radio. The study researches Asia Radio with CIS to increase enterprise impression as for reference about CIS of domestic broadcasters. Furthermore, success stories of broadcasting and media industry such as UFO NETWORK, NEWS98, IC Broadcasting Company and TTV in Taiwan at present are include its research. On one hand, it confers on CIS thoroughly to appreciate how CIS important for listeners of broadcasting industries presently, and on the other analyzes CIS concept and strategies of broadcasting through actual operation among competitive broadcasters. Through analysis, appreciation, programming and implement of CIS in Asia Radio, it might integrate CIS with its internal enterprise culture and objective and staff fidelity, and extend its professional broadcasting to mold its external enterprise image for reference on domestic broadcasting development. The study is mainly about CIS increase of Asia Radio to upgrade its significant image and have advantages of enterprise competition as well. In new broadcasting media time, Asia Radio might use CIS foregoing to take possession of broadcasting for reference on domestic broadcasters.


八券俊雄(1988)。《CI 理論與實力》 。台北:藝風堂出版社。


