  • 學位論文


Effects of Option Framing for Online Package-Tour on Consumer Purchase Intention

指導教授 : 陳宜棻


旅遊業發展伴隨著網際網路與電子商務時代的來臨,使消費者有更多選擇的機會。由過去研究得知,相較於傳統套裝旅遊行程,彈性套裝旅遊行程可得到更高的消費者滿意度進而引發購買意願。以往對於自由選行程的銷售,業者多採取商品售價未包含,讓消費者選擇是否要加購自由選行程(附加選項框架)。因此,本文亦探討另一種銷售方式,消費者一開始看到的是售價已含自由選行程的完整型套裝旅遊商品,他們可以決定是否刪減內含的自由選行程(刪減選項框架)。 本研究首先探討消費者在選購套裝旅遊時,以不同選項框架(optional framing)呈現自由選行程的銷售方式,對完整型套裝旅遊(含自由選行程)購買意願的影響。並且加入旅遊目的地、價格促銷及限量銷售做為干擾變數,來探討是否會減弱選項框架對完整型套裝旅遊購買意願的影響。本實驗採取2(選項框架:+OF/-OF)×2(旅遊目的地:國外/國內)×2(價格促銷:有/無)×2(限量銷售:有/無)的實驗設計,共形成16個實驗組。本實驗透過網路發放問卷共回收640份有效樣本進行研究,並採ANOVA進行統計分析,以驗證本研究所推導之研究假設。 研究結果顯示(1)自由選行程以刪減選項呈現的銷售方式比附加選項呈現方式較能讓消費者購買完整型套裝旅遊行程;(2)當旅遊目的地為國外旅遊時,會減弱選項框架對消費者購買意願的影響;(3)當套裝旅遊行程有搭配價格促銷活動時,會減弱選項框架對消費者購買意願的影響;(4)自由選行程為限量銷售商品時,會減弱選項框架對消費者購買意願的影響。本研究結果拓展了以往對套裝旅遊的傳統設計方式的研究,並且提供一些後續研究的建議和管理上的意涵。


The development of tourism is accompanied with the emerging online economy which provides consumers more chances to choose. Previous research has shown that satisfaction is higher when tourists are presented to flexible package-tour compared to the rigid package-tour. In the past for free election trip sales, tour companies usually excluded the free election trip in the sales price, and then consumers could decide whether to purchase or not (additive option framing). Therefore, this study provides an alternative presentation of free election trip. Consumers start from the selling price already includes the free election trip, they can decide whether to delete it or not (subtractive option framing). This study investigates how option framing influences consumer decision making in online package-tour and conducted a 2(option framing: +OF/-OF) x 2(tour destination: overseas/domestic) x 2(price promotion: yes/no) x 2(limit: yes/no) online experiment involving 640 subjects. Result of this research showed that: (1) Subtractive option of free selection trip presentation makes consumers more willing to buy full package-tour than the additional option; (2) Overseas tour can weaken the option framing effect of the purchase intention.; (3) Price promotion can weaken the option framing effect of the purchase intention.; (4) Limited products can weaken the option framing effect regarding purchase intention. These findings offer important managerial implications for travel companies.


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