  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship among the Diversity Training, Life Adjustment and Employee Attitude to the New Immigrants in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 諸承明


據統計至2011年底,約有四十五萬三千名新移民來到台灣。這些新移民對臺灣社會的文化、經濟、教育帶來了影響與衝擊。為協助新移民適應台灣生活,政府於2003 年全面實施對新移民的整體照顧輔導機制,希望可以協助並解決新移民者所面臨的困境。 目前我國大半皆是由政府推動舉辦新移民之教育訓練,如識字教育、文化教育、親職教育等課程,皆是為了讓新移民者建立跨文化能力以適應在台生活。但不論是對企業而言,或是對社會而言,「人」是最基本的單位,卻也是重要的資產。因此,適當的訓練與發展不僅可以讓企業績效提升、達到永續經營的目的;更可以讓整體社會更加地和諧與進步。新移民參與政府開設之教育課程後,是否真的能增加生活適應能力,進而提升對於工作的投入程度、工作的滿意度以及幸福感呢?以及除了政府積極推動新移民教育課程之外,企業是否也應為了企業的永續經營與發展,開設多樣化訓練等相關課程以增加新移民之生活適應能力與其員工態度? 本研究旨在探討多樣化訓練的實施成效、生活適應的影響與員工態度的表現程度,以了解對多樣化訓練成效的影響。研究結果如下: 一、多樣化訓練成效與生活適應程度有顯著相關。亦即,多樣化訓練成效越 佳者,其在台生活適應程度也越佳。 二、生活適應與員工態度有顯著相關。亦即,生活適應越佳者,其員工態度 也會越佳。 三、生活適應在多樣化訓練與工作投入之間具有完全中介效果存在;生活適應在多樣化訓練與工作滿意之間具有部分中介效果存在;另外,生活適應在多樣化訓練與幸福感之間具有完全中介效果存在。亦即,多樣化訓練成效越佳者,在台生活適應也越佳,進而使其員工態度也越佳。 四、個人變項在多樣化訓練成效與生活適應程度之關係中不具有干擾效果。 五、家庭年所得對生活適應與幸福感之間產生干擾影響關係中具有干擾效果。


According to the statistics by the end of 2011, there are over 453,000 new immigrants came to Taiwan. Those new immigrants bring lots of impact and effect to the Taiwan’s society on culture, economics and education. In order to help them adapt to live in Taiwan, the government built up the system as to take care of them, and help them to solve the difficulties. Nowadays, most of the educations for the new immigrants were hold by the government, such as literacy education, cultural education, skill training and so on. All of those courses are opened for the new immigrants to teach them how to use their own ability to live in Taiwan. Not only for the government but also for the companies, “person” is the most basic unit for the society and the most important asset as well. Thus, proper training courses and developments can improve the performance of the companies, moreover, make the whole society more harmonious and have the progress. The objectives of this paper are investigated the relationship among the effectiveness evaluation of diversity training, the level of life adjustment and the attitude of employees. The finding are : (1)There is a positive correlation between diversity training and life adjustment. (2)There is a positive correlation between life adjustment and employees’ attitude. (3)Life adjustment is as the full mediation between diversity training and job involvement. And life adjustment is as the partial mediation between diversity training and job satisfaction. Moreover, life adjustment is as the full mediation between diversity training and well-being. (4)There are no moderating effect between diversity training and life adjustment. (5)There is the moderating effect between a moderating effect between life adjustment and well-being by annual income.


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