  • 學位論文


Research on daylighting efficiency of different horizontal shading device

指導教授 : 謝明燁


近年來由於建築設備的進步,建築室內環境的品質與舒適度得到極大的改善。但卻也使得人們過度仰賴機械設備,造成建築室內耗能越來越高的現象。當耗能持續升高時,溫室效應、臭氧層被破壞與都市熱島效應等問題陸續產生。在建築室內耗能上,照明耗能約佔建築物總耗能的三成至五成間。身處在亞熱帶地區的台灣,若能有效利用自然環境,設置良好的外遮陽設施,引導晝光進入室內空間,並同時隔絕過量的日照,阻擋大部分的直射光線進入室內,將可節省大量的照明耗能,並創造舒適的室內光環境。 對於建築設計者而言,為了增加室內採光效果,通常會加大建築物的開口面積,使建築開口部的自然光源大量地進入室內。但過度的採光可能會產生眩光或照度分佈不均的問題。本研究探討不同的太陽高度角與方位角的狀態下,觀察縮尺模型室內採光效能的變化與水平遮陽型式間的關係。本實驗共有2項評估採光效能優劣的指標,一是均齊度,一是晝光率。實驗所得之相關數據,根據電腦軟體的統計分析及室內晝光分佈圖結果各種水平遮陽型式的採光效能優劣。 結果發現,在不同的太陽位置與開窗率下,雙向深度50公分水平遮陽板(T03)及陽台欄杆結合水平百葉(T06),室內採光的均齊度表現最佳。室內採光均齊度表現較差者為,深度50公分水平遮陽(T01)與深度100公分水平遮陽(T02)。然而,在室內晝光率的表現上,太陽高度角較小的時段,深度50公分水平遮陽(T01)、深度100公分水平遮陽(T02)、雙向深度50公分水平遮陽(T03)與陽台欄杆結合水平百葉(T06),無法阻擋直射光進入室內或室內較深的位置,導致室內晝光率分佈不均。此時若改用深度15公分水平百葉(T04) 與深度25公分水平百葉(T05),可減少室內晝光率分佈不均的問題。


The quality and comfort of indoor architecture have been greatly improved thanks to the advanced development of lighting devices in recent years. However, this situation has also caused people to depend more on mechanical devices, and has led to an indoor environment with growing energy-consumption, resulting in such issues as the greenhouse effect, the expanding ozone hole and the heat island effect. Daylighting takes up approximately 30 to 50 percent of the total energy consumption of a building. Located in the subtropical zone, the facilities in Taiwan are able to save a great deal of daylighting dissipation as well as create a bright and comfortable indoor environment if they are effectively constructed with the help of nature and well-designed outer shading devices to guide sufficient daylight indoors, isolate excessive daylight and block most direct daylight at the same time. Usually, architects tend to increase the open areas of buildings to allow more natural light indoors, thereby enhancing the lighting efficiency. However, excessive lighting might lead to glare or uneven illumination. Therefore, the researcher managed to observe a miniature structure at different solar elevation and azimuth angles to discuss the relations between the varying indoor daylighting efficiency and different horizontal shading devices. By using the two main indicators of “average uniformity” and “daylight factors” for evaluation, the corresponding statistics of the experiment were analyzed with computer software; a daylight distribution diagram shows the performances of daylighting efficiency with the use of various horizontal shading devices. The results show that at different solar angles and window-wall ratios, models T03 (two-way-50cm-deep horizontal shading device) and T06 (balcony railings with horizontal Venetian blinds) demonstrate the best average uniformity for indoor daylighting, while models T01 (50cm-deep horizontal shading device) and T02 (100cm-deep horizontal shading device) show relatively less satisfactory average uniformity. Nevertheless, when it comes to the performance of daylight factors at lower solar elevation angles, none of the abovementioned models (T01, T02, T03 and T06) is able to prevent direct daylight from getting indoors or to deeper areas of the indoor structure. But T04 (15cm-deep horizontal Venetian blinds) and T05 (25cm-deep horizontal Venetian blinds) can be used to reduce the uneven distribution of indoor daylight factors.


2.周家鵬(1992),建築技術規則採光相關規定之研究,中華民國 內政部 建築研究所。


