  • 學位論文


Application of Computer Simulation and Multi-objective Programming Model for Horizontal Perforated Shading Device

指導教授 : 周鼎金


位在亞熱帶地區的台灣,建築外殼設計中「外遮陽」為重要的節能手。在建築物開口部設置外遮陽一方面需要滿足遮陽方面的需求,以降低空調負荷;但另一方面會降低室內自然採光效能,而增加人工照明的需求。由此得知,外遮陽的遮陽與採光兩條件者互為矛盾,故如何在準則和法則因各種條件約束而無法準確地實施時,選擇折衷方案以達到最大的節能效益。 本研究嘗試以一個數學概念規劃,用來協助決策者。其公式為將多目標與多限制中並轉換成適當的數學式,然後再用適當的求解方法以得到最佳的解。經由本次研究設定之目標函數與條件函數,所建立的數學模式計算結果,得知水平式穿孔外遮陽之穿孔率8%為最佳化模組,再藉由電腦軟體模擬量化數據與圖示,可得知: 一、無設置外遮陽的實驗屋,太陽日射可直接進入室內,室內晝光率達到2%以上,使得室內熱負荷增加,也增加了空調負荷量。 二、設置水平外遮陽的實驗屋阻擋大部分的太陽日射,因此降低空調負荷量,但晝光率卻明顯的降低。 三、設置穿孔式水平外遮陽的實驗屋可阻擋部分的太陽日射,但可以適度的讓光線進入室內。 四、設置以穿孔式水平外遮陽之穿孔率8%的實驗屋,設定孔徑直徑0.4cm到5cm的進行空調耗能與自然採光模擬,發現孔徑的大小會影響自然採光。 從模擬數據結果分析,驗證本研究的研究目的,因此透過多目標規劃法建立穿孔式水平外遮陽數學模式和Ecotect視覺化的節能分析與模擬環境,可提供建築設計者於規劃設計階段之評估使用,以利確實達成建築節能之目標。


In subtropical Taiwan, ‘external shading’ is an important energy-saving feature in the design of building shells. Placing external shading at the opening of a building can meet the need for protection from the sun, thus reducing air conditioning load. On the other hand, this reduces the efficacy of interior natural lighting, th-ereby increasing the need for artificial lighting. This clearly shows that the two aspects of external shading, protection from the sun and lighting, are contradictory. Therefore, the question is how to find a compromise that can achieve maximum energy efficiency when various constraints hinder the accurate implementation of standards and rules. This study attempts to help decision-makers with a planning approach based on mathematical concepts. Its formula converts multiple objectives and constraints into a proper equation and the best solution is obtained by solving the equation with an appropriate method. The calculation of the equation created with the object-tive and conditional functions defined in this study reveals that perforated horizontal external shading with a perforation rate of 8% is the optimization model. Quan-titat-ive data and images from computer software simulation further reveal: (1) Sunlight can directly enter into the experiment house without external shading, bringing the indoor daylight factor to 2%. This in turn increases both indoor heat load and consequent air conditioning load. (2) In the experiment house with external shading, air conditioning load is red-uced because the shading blocks most of the sunlight. However, the daylight factor is clearly lower. (3) In the experiment house with perforated horizontal external shading, the shading can block part of the sunlight while allowing an adequate amount of light into the house. (4) In the experiment house with perforated horizontal external shading that has a perforation rate of 8%, simulations of energy consumption in air conditioning and natural lighting using aperture diameters ranging from 0.4 to 5 cm reveal that the size of aperture diameters has an impact on natural lighting. By analyzing the data from these simulations, the aim of this study is verified. Therefore, the mathematical model for the perforated horizontal external shading built with the multi-objective planning approach and the Ecotect visualized environment for energy efficiency analysis and simulation can be used by building designners for evaluation in the design planning stage to successfully achieve the goal of energy efficiency in buildings.




