  • 學位論文


The Effects of the Observer Perspective in Episodic Future Thinking on Adolescents with Social Anxiety

指導教授 : 洪福建


目的:過去許多研究已發現社會焦慮者在自傳式記憶作業有記憶偏誤的現象,像是在回憶引起焦慮的社會事件傾向採取旁觀者觀點,且評估自身相關的訊息量明顯高於外界環境訊息,然而較少研究探討高社會焦慮的青少年在未來思考作業上是否也有偏誤。青少年階段是社會焦慮疾患的好發時期,因此本文的研究對象為高中生。過去研究也指出高社會焦慮者會有預期性的焦慮及易對未來產生擔憂,因此本研究目的是根據Clark和Wells(1995)的模型,研究一在於瞭解高、低社會焦慮傾向的受試者在面對社會事件及中性事件時,未來思考作業上之現象學特徵的差異;研究二在於操弄高、低社會焦慮傾向的受試者的觀察者觀點及場域觀點,進一步探討在面對社會事件時其焦慮程度及現象學特徵的改變。 方法:研究對象為15至18歲的一般高中生。在研究一中,22位高社會焦慮傾向及24位低社會焦慮傾向的受試者皆完成一件社會事件及一件中性事件的情節式未來思考作業,分別在完成作業後填答記憶特徵問卷(未來情境修訂版)。在研究二中,21位高社會焦慮傾向及20位低社會焦慮傾向的受試者皆先完成一件社會事件的情節式未來思考作業並填答記憶特徵問卷及情緒評量,接著分別採取觀察者觀點或場域觀點的操弄後,受試者再完成一件社會事件的情節式未來思考作業並再次填答記憶特徵問卷及情緒評量。 結果:研究發現和Clark和Wells(1995)所提出的社會焦慮模型一致。高社會焦慮者在預想社會事件相對於中性事件時,傾向多使用觀察者觀點且會有較多的負向情緒。此外,不論事件類型,高社會焦慮傾向者評估自身相關訊息的記憶清晰度明顯多於外界環境訊息(有自我關注偏誤)。再者,在接受旁觀者觀點的操弄後,高、低社會焦慮傾向的受試者在評量焦慮程度及現象學特徵上和操弄前沒有顯著的不同;但在接受場域觀點的操弄後,高、低社會焦慮傾向受試者的焦慮程度、自我關注偏誤皆明顯下降,且有較多的感官訊息。 結論:研究顯示高社會焦慮者在想像未來思考作業上和回憶自傳式記憶作業上,在現象學特徵上有類似的偏誤,例如:對於社會事件傾向採取旁觀者觀點。然而,結果顯示在操弄場域觀點後,高社會焦慮者可以暫時性的降低焦慮程度,但是仍評定有較多的負向情緒。研究討論、限制及未來方向也會在文中說明。


Objectives: Recently, evidence has suggested that social anxiety may be characterized by biases in autobiographical memory recall. Such biases include recalling social memories of anxiety-provoking social events relating to more self-referential information and from an observer perspective. However, few studies have examined whether high social anxiety during youth is associated with biases in episodic future thinking. Adolescence represents a critical stage for developing social anxiety, and therefore we focus on senior high school students as our participants. Previous studies have shown that highly socially anxious people tend to engage in anticipatory processing and worry about future events. Thus, following Clark and Wells’s (1995) model, Study 1 examined the phenomenological characteristics of social and neutral events in high- and low- anxiety participants in episodic future thinking. Study 2 further manipulated the instruction about taking an observer or field perspective to investigate the effects on anxiety and phenomenological characteristics in episodic future thinking tasks for social events. Methods: Participants were senior high school students aged 15-18. In Study 1, high (n = 22) and low (n = 24) social anxiety participants completed episodic future thinking tasks for one social event and one neutral event. After that, they rated the phenomenological characteristics on Memory Characteristics Questionnaire (modified version for future condition) for each event. In Study 2, high (n = 21) and low (n = 20) social anxiety participants completed episodic future thinking tasks for one social event first and rated MCQ and mood measure. After that, they took a required perspective (observer or field) to imagining an episodic future thinking task for social events and rated MCQ and mood rating again. Results: Results were consistent with the Clark and Wells’ (1995) model of social anxiety. Findings indicated that people with high social anxiety employed an observer perspective and tended to envision more negative when they imagined social events than when imagining neutral events. Moreover, people with high social anxiety had a bias to imagine more self-referential information for both social and neutral events. Also, after manipulation for adopting an observer perspective, the anxiety and phenomenological characteristics of the two groups during episodic future thinking tasks did not differ than the ratings before manipulation; after manipulation for adopting a field perspective, high and low social anxiety individuals both imagined significantly lower levels of anxiety, self-other biases, and more sensorial information about the events. Conclusions: The studies revealed that individuals who are high in social anxiety have similar biases on phenomenological characteristics (e.g. taking an observer perspective for social event) not only when remembering the past but also when imagining the future. Moreover, after instructing high social anxiety individuals to form a field perspective for social events could temporarily decrease the levels of anxiety, but still rated more negative emotion. Study discussion, limitations and future directions were also addressed.


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