  • 學位論文

台灣中小企業進入印度市場之策略探討-以X、Y 公司為例-

A Study on Entry Strategies of India Market by Taiwanese Small and Medium Enterprises- Using X and Y Company as Cases

指導教授 : 秦宗春


本研究目的是探討台灣中、小企業,在為企業國際化拓展經營時的經營策略考量,除了面對本身專業領域以外,選擇適當的海外營業基地及市場、投資退場機制的設定、海外經營的風險管控等,與海外投資策略的擬訂同等重要。 本研究以印度市場為例,透過製造業及資訊顧問服務業二個個案的進入市場模式、經營策略的比較,提供台灣中、小企業主,作為企業國際佈局、海外市場經營策略規劃時的資訊參考,提出建議。 本研究探討國際市場進入模式的相關文獻、產業競爭力及競爭策略的相關理論,作為本研究的次級資訊基礎,以企業深入訪談的個案研究法,作為本研究的質化研究主體,分別將製造業和資訊顧問服務業的企業競爭力作SWOT的比較分析。 結果發現,製造業最保守且經濟的海外市場進入策略是透過出口貿易,當海外市場經營的目標,從國際貿易的型態轉變成海外實質投資時,以50-50的股權持有投資,能擁有50%的實質經營權、參與公司政策的決議、分攤50%的投資經營風險等,對公司的海外投資有相對的保障,同時能累積海外經營的經驗值,作為其他海外投資經營的參考。以資訊顧問服務業而言,海外經營策略除了以佣金仲介、顧問服務費收取的模式以外,機器設備的國際租賃仲介也是一種海外經營方式。 對於製造業及資訊顧問服務業,投資退場機制的設定,目的是控制或降低投資損失,若有發生異常的投資損失時,可以及時凍結損失並避免損失擴大,企業適度的作風險移轉,可以有效的降低投資風險。


The purpose of this research is to explore the strategic consideration in expanding to international markets of Taiwanese small and medium enterprises. In addition to their professional fields, how those companies choose appropriate overseas operating base and market, the exit mechanism of investment, and the risk control are equally important. This study uses India market as an example, analyzing through two cases, one in manufacturing, the other in service sector to compare the entry model and operation strategy in order to provide some information for other businesses to follow suit in internationalization. This study first examines the relevant literature and competitive theories as a foundation for the research. The research methods use secondary data and in-depth interviews as the central part for this qualitative research. The findings are the most conservative entry strategy of manufacturing sector is through export trade. When the operation goal of overseas market shifts from international trade to overseas investment, using 50/50 stock holding in investment to own half the real ownership, to participate in the decision making, and to diversify half the investment risk. This kind of investment is relatively more protective toward investment and to accumulate investment experience for other overseas investment as a reference. From the standpoint of service sector, the overseas operation strategy in addition to receive broker commission and consulting fee models, international leasing on equipment is another overseas operation model. Regarding the exit mechanism of investment, the purpose is to control or reduce investment loss. If the investment faces unusual loss, the exit mechanism could freeze the loss to avoid the loss becoming larger. Using appropriate risk transfer, business could reduce the investment risk effectively.


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