  • 學位論文


Optimal price policy for remanufactured products with reverse logistics and cannibalization effect

指導教授 : 黃惠民


近年來,生態保護與環保意識興起,有效地資源使用逐漸受到重視,企業們紛紛推動產品的資源再回收、再使用與再製造活動以減少對於環境的傷害與負擔,再製造的活動是使回收的產品恢復到可再使用的狀態,因此,對於企業而言再製造活動具有節省成本及經濟效益,逆向物流中的再製造活動成為企業探討與研究的重要的議題。 製造商必須訂定合理的產品銷售價格,才能使產品在價格與銷售量間取得最佳取捨關係,使得企業獲得最大的利潤。過去之文獻在探討再製造活動銷售新品與再製造品的訂價策略時,鮮少考慮競食效應的觀點,本研究針對獨占市場單一製造商以動態期數二期概念探討再製造活動之訂價策略,提出競食效應下之訂價策略去探討再製造利潤最大化之模型,在此模式下以訂價為廠商之決策數變數,求得企業利潤最大化。根模型數據分析的結果,發現有效的降低生產成本與減少再製造成本可提升再製造商之總利潤,另外,新品與再製造品在競食效應下替代比例增加與產品回收率增加亦可以提升再製造商之總利潤。因此,推論企業推行資源回收再製造活動能有效地提昇企業經營績效。


訂價策略 再製造 競食效應


In recent years, more attentions have been paid to the effective utilization of resources due to ecological protection and environmental consciousness. Enterprises attempt to recycle, reuse, and remanufacture used products to reduce its environmental impacts. Remanufacturing is a process of product recovery such as recycling reusable products that enable enterprises to save cost and protect the environment. Therefore, remanufacturing activities nowadays have become an important issue for enterprises. In the past, literature rarely considered a cannibalization effect within remanufacturing activities to investigat the pricing strategy. Hence, this research proposes pricing strategies of dynamic phases of a two-period model for a single manufacturer to maximize its profit. In reality, the manufacturer should regulate the appropriate price of the product in order to obtain the optimal trade-off between price and volume that maximizes its profit. The decision variables are the price of the manufacturing and the remanufacturing product. Numerical examples and sensitivity analyses are provided to validate the model and to illustrate the changing effects of the model parameters. The finding shows that effectively reducing the production costs and the remanufacturing cost can increase the manufacturer’s profit significantly. In addition, increasing product recovery by means of remanufacturing reusable products also increases the manufacturer’s profit. This paper provides management insight in improving business performance through remanufacturing activities.


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