  • 學位論文


The Effect of Subthreshold Stimulus on Consumer’s Product perception- Green products as Examples

指導教授 : 盧昱蓉


近年來消費者的個人意識高漲,在面對直接強迫式的行銷時,心生抗拒在所難免。 是否能有別以往的方式,改採用柔性間接的行銷來影響消費者的消費選擇,是本研究主要討探目的。本研究的實驗設計是以環保商品為例,運用圖片與文字兩項正向閾下刺激物,分別插入同段影片中,進而分成無插入組、圖片組與文字組三組進行實驗結果比較。 為避免閾值上的刺激造成本研究結果之偏差,故在問卷中設有閾下操作檢核,刪除閾上刺激的受試者後,得有效問卷為無插入組53 位,圖片組58 位,文字組56 位。並以此三組數數據實施組間與組內的比較分析,本研究採ANOVA 作為統計分析,並在信賴水準95%下為差異顯著判斷。結果顯示,雖受測者並無知覺接受了正向閾下刺激物,但無論是圖片或是文字刺激物都能促使受測者對該影片和該商品產生較高之正向情緒評價與商品認知度。 但或因刺激物與購買意願的相關性不足,造成受試者對於購買意願之目標促發聯結不足。由此可知,雖然未意識到的刺激,但確實能造成我們的後續促發效果。因此企業主除可多增加正向閾下刺激以達到行銷目標外,仍需避免負向刺激也會無形中對企業形 象或商品造成傷害。


The purpose of this study was to investigate unconsciousness methods of influencing consumer choices. Due to consumers having a gradual awakening of consumer ego, when they face direct or forceful marketing, they will have a reactance reaction. This study used positive subthreshold stimuli, which were graphs and Chinese characters in a film. The subjects were divided into the three groups of controlling, graph and characters. The statistics among the groups were compared using ANOVA. The data were sifted and some was deleted, in order to avoid any threshold stimuli. There were 53 subjects in the controlling group, 58 in the graph group, and 56 in the character group. In 95% CI, the subthreshold stimulus was significant and showed a positive product perception with the graph and character groups. The subthreshold stimulus was found to have an unconscious priming effect on consumers; therefore, more subthreshold stimuli can be used, but attention must be paid to negative subthreshold stimuli, to avoid losing a positive image of the company and product.


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