  • 學位論文


Lean Production System Implementatina for Cell Workstation - a network communication equipment manufacturing company case study

指導教授 : 黃惠民


目前台灣製造業正面臨著挑戰。人們隨者科技的進步及生活條件改善,消費者的價值觀也跟著變化很大,需求則呈現多樣化且更容易接收新奇事物,因而造成產品的生命週期相對縮短導致價格、毛利下滑。為了維持競爭力,必須不斷的尋找更即時反應的作業模式來反應客戶的需求訂單,且客戶需求訂單不再是單一且大量的訂單,顧客需求的多變也使得生產型態逐漸轉往少量且多樣的生產模式,這也意味者製造業傳統的輸送帶生產方式必須被轉換。 本研究探討台灣個案公司(網通設備製造業之生產)在產品外移大陸之後,只剩下小量產品及因應客戶的試產線皆是以傳統流水線生產模式進行製造,因此生產型態的轉變由以往的「大量生產」轉變為「少量多樣」,彈性製造變成重要的問題。 為了提高台灣本廠競爭力必須針對多樣少量的產品作有效提升,本研究運用精實生產之單元生產模式(Cell Production System)搭配彈田字型備料生產型態(Production ready material path–Window style)來改善。在進行導入單元生產模式同時,需同時搭配備料人員彈性支援及時的提供生產作業的需求,使產線減少等待時間的浪費。 本研究分析結果顯示,只要遵循精實專案精神,設計出符合個案公司的小型作業區就是屬於個案公司最佳的單元生產模式,可以較流水線生產模式還要好的生產效率。


Due to the technological development and the quality of life improvement, the Taiwanese manufacturing industries are facing much challenge; the values of consumers and the demand of products have varied greatly as well. It results in shortened products life cycle and a decrease in the selling price and the gross profit. In order to increase manufacturer’s competitive advantages, strategies to quickly respond to the customer’s personal needs are necessary; they include producing small-volume, large-variety customized products. This means that the production mode using the traditional conveyer should be converted in the manufacturing cell station. This study investigated a Taiwanese network communication equipment manufacturing company. The study investigates the change in the production mode from “mass production” to “small-volume large-variety production” using cell workatation and the application of flexible manufacturing technology. The Cell Production System, factories incooperate flexible operators as back-ups, and support production demand and waiting time reduction. This study shows that when Lean Production is implemented, it improves the Cell Production System as illustrated in the case study. . Furthermore, the cell production model is more effective than the production mode using the traditional conveyor.


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