  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Political Connections of Directorate and Operational Performance-Case of Taiwanese Banking Industry

指導教授 : 俞海琴


本研究探討台灣銀行業董事會成員之政治關聯性與經營績效之研究,有別於以往,本研究針對曾經擔任政府官員,或曾被指派或退職後擔任銀行董監事的人員,探討其對於銀行業務成長及經營績效的影響。政府為資源重分配的仲裁角色,擁有良好政商關係之銀行,便成了政府政策扶植的對象,有助於取得各項業務的發展,如新分行設立、新業務拓展、海外經營的策略等。 銀行董事會成員中有政治關聯性人員的比例、甚至是曾擔任政府官職之高低,皆可能影響銀行之經營績效。因此,若董事會與政府部門有良好關係時,此關係是否能幫助銀行獲取更佳的業務發展機會,值得深思探討。 本研究擬對董事會成員具有政治關聯性之銀行與其2002~2011年間銀行績效(包括Tobin’s Q、資產報酬率、股東權益報酬率、每股盈餘EPS等)作實證分析。若此實證結果證實董事會成員的政治關聯性對銀行之經營績效有顯著影響,即表示此銀行董事會成員之政治關聯性的確能為銀行爭取到更多的業務發展機會且帶動經營績效的成長。


The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between the political connections of directorate and the operational performance of banks in Taiwan. Different from previous research, this study focuses on ex-government officials who were assigned or after retired to be a member of the directorate in a bank exploring whether those members in the bank could impact the bank business and operational performance. Government plays a critical role to allocate social resources. Therefore, possessing a good government-business relation a bank may become the beneficiary of governmental policies. It helps the bank to practice various business developments, such as establishing a new branch or internal and international new business. In the condition of political connections, the percentage of those members, even pre-official positions in the government of those ex-government officials might influence the operational performance of the bank. When the directorate cultivates a good relationship with relevant departments of government, it is worth to consider whether this relation could benefit the bank to take a better opportunity developing its business. This research plans to perform an empirical test through collecting the lists of the directorate of banks and bank performance data from 1992-2011 (ex. Tobin’s Q, return on assets, return on equity and Earnings Per Share) in Taiwan. If the results show that the members of the directorate of a bank who have political connections could improve the operational performance of a bank. It presents that this relationship definitely plays a significant role to influence bank performance and increase more chances to develop its business.


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