  • 學位論文


Relationship among Modes of Investing Configuration, Perceived Investing Difficulty and Risk-Comparison of Nine Growth and Emerging Countries for Taiwan's Trading Companies

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


全球經濟環境在2008年發生全球金融風暴之後,隨即又爆發2011年歐洲債務危機、2012年美國財政懸崖困境等全球性金融災害,也致使以往保持亮眼穩定的經濟成長「領跑者」,原先良好經濟環境劇變轉為惡劣低迷,全球經濟發展不確定性風險增加。然而,在全球經濟陷入困境後,世界經濟板塊不斷在變化,企業目光也逐漸從重要市場轉向新興市場的趨勢變化。日益加劇的全球競爭下,台灣貿易商必須加快腳步佈局新興市場,以利未來投資佈局運用,以及知覺到的投資難易與投資風險之影響,並探悉新興國家間的差異。因此本研究主要探討台灣貿易商投資佈局模式類型與知覺投資難易與知覺投資風險之間關係,並從成長新興九國市場,研究其中投資佈局模式類型、知覺投資難易與知覺投資風險之差異。 有鑑於此,本研究主要以成長新興九國為研究對象,包括:中國大陸、印度、巴西、俄羅斯、印尼、墨西哥、土耳其與越南,並以貿易依賴度做分層分為高、中、低三個層級,並針對已在上述成長新興國家投資佈局之台北市進出口同業公會會員企業發放問卷施測,根據相關研究與文獻探討並選出兩大變數加以研究,包括:(1)投資難易度分為「許可成本」、「資訊成本」、「投資成本」及「經商成本」;(2)投資風險度則分為「政治風險」、「經濟風險」、「政策風險」及「支付風險」,作為本研究衡量之依據。最後藉由量化方式的統計分析,透過對已在成長新興九國投資佈局的台灣貿易商所做問卷調查,回收共316份有效問卷,進行相關統計分析,經過整理歸納後,得出以下研究結果與結論: 1. 投資佈局模式對知覺投資難易度與知覺投資風險度的影響皆有顯著差異,其中以資訊成本、經商成本、政治風險、經濟風險為台灣貿易商選擇投資佈局模式時感受到顯著影響並多加考量的因素。 2. 企業規模對投資佈局模式類型與對知覺投資難易度具有顯著影響,其中以「企業資本額小」、「企業員工數少」皆會偏向於「成本導向型」的投資佈局模式,意即中小企業較無多餘資源投入市場調查或資源挖掘。 3. 成長新興九國市場僅對投資佈局模式類型達到顯著差異,但其中台商仍以「市場導向型」為主,但貿易依賴度高的次選擇為「成本導向型」以及貿易依賴度中的次選擇為「資源導向型」,顯示台灣貿易商對於投資佈局新興成長九國的模式選擇有顯著的差異。


The global economic environment becomes worse and unstable because of the global financial turmoil in 2008, the European Debt Problem in 2011, and the U.S Fiscal Cliff in 2012. With the global economic uncertainty risks increase, the world economic sectors is changing. Besides, the corporates have gradually shifted from developed markets to emerging markets. In an intense global competition, Taiwan’s trading companies must pick up the pace to arrange in emerging markets; it will be good for investing, and it also could notice effects of the investing difficulty and risk. Besides, the study also could make readers to understand the differences between emerging markets. Therefore, the study investigates the relationship among modes of investing configuration, perceived investing difficulty and risk, and it also compares the nine Growth and Emerging Countries for Taiwan’s trading companies. In views of this, the study choose the nine Growth and Emerging Countries, like China, India, Brazil, Russia, Indonesia, Mexico, Turkey and Vietnam, the countries divide three levels by degree of dependence on trade. Furthermore, the study used the questionnaires to survey the members who have been to nine Growth and Emerging Countries of Importers and Exporters Association of Taipei. According to the literature review and related research, the study chooses some related variables are: (1) investing difficulty is divided into “licensing costs”, “information costs”, “investment costs”, and “business costs”. (2) investing risk is separate into “political risk”, “economic risk”, “policy risk”, and “payment risk”. The effective samples are 316, and they are analyzed by the statistic software. After generalizing the results, it can find that: 1. The modes of investing configuration, and perceived investing difficulty and perceived investing risk are related. 2. The scales of the company, and the modes of investing configuration, perceived investing difficulty are related. 3. The nine Growth and Emerging Countries is only related to the modes of investing configuration.


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