  • 學位論文


Exploring the Relationship Between Artistic Interpretation and Quality of Experience

指導教授 : 蔡文鈞


文創產業所產生的體驗經濟是未來重要的經濟發展方向之一,其內涵的藝術能量是創意的養分,而充沛的創意可提昇創新能力,這也是政府積極推動文創產業的目的之一,提升一般人對藝術相關產品或活動的興趣與消費習慣是支持文創產業發展的重要基礎,親近藝術最便捷的方式即是透過藝術解說,因此本研究目的是藉由體驗品質來探究一段美好的藝術解說應如何架構。   本研究以文本分析法來進行之,探究蔣勳先生一段有關梵谷繪畫的藝術解說錄音內容的組成,以及觀者對於此藝術解說的體驗感受,研究結果發現一段吸引人的解說是由不同層次的藝術解釋原理組合而成,藉由解說者深入淺出且豐富的解說技巧應用,掌握文字傳達概念與深刻感受的能力,並能創造空間的臨場感受,達到主要的解說目的,並可提高觀者在進行藝術活動時的六項體驗品質,包括:參與、沉浸、學習、驚奇、懸念與樂趣等。   以內容方面來說,前半段主要以讓觀者較容易理解及進入觀賞畫作世界的內容,產生的體驗也是屬於較為溫和且刺激度小,後半段內容則較需要較多的思考與用心體會,而產生的體驗刺激度也較大。而以時間發展方面來說,藝術解說架構順序為:吸引目光、引發興趣、深沉體驗、留下記憶。最後,期待後續研究者對於不同藝術型態或是真實解說員陪伴服務方式的體驗品質可深入探討。


體驗品質 藝術解說


Experience economy resulted from cultural creative industry is one of the directions of economic development. One of the reasons why the government boosts cultural creative industry is that the artistic energy contained in it is the nutrient of originality improving the capability of innovation. Making people interested in the artistic work or activity and even making that a consumptive habit is the great support to cultural creative industry. The best way to put someone in the artistic atmosphere is through an enjoyable tour of artistic interpretation. This study taking the quality of experience into account is to explore the construction of a beautiful artistic interpretation. This study took textual analysis as the research method to explore a Mr. 蔣勳’s taping record of the artistic interpretation about Vincent Willem van Gogh’s painting and how people participated in this artistic interpretation feel the experience of it. This study found out that the docents skilled at interpreting the profound aspect of the art in the lucid way could bring the participants into the virtual world of the art and promote the quality of participants’ experiences including participation, immersion, learning, surprise, suspense and fun. For the contents, a good interpretation always excites the participants slightly and makes them easily realize the meaning of the painting at the first semi-stage. It takes the participants deep thinking to appreciate the painting and excite the participants much more at the last semi-stage; For the time series, the sequence of developing the artistic interpretation is followed by attention drawing, interest eliciting, deep experience and memory leaving. Finally, this study would recommend the follow-up researchers in this field to explore different kinds of art and where the ways the docents provide their accompanying service.


黃智琪、許義忠(2009)博物館觀眾研究分析-1992~2006。運動與遊憩研究,第三卷 第三期,頁 97-114。
