  • 學位論文


A Study on Communication and Passion Capabilities with Course Activities App in e-HO Cloud

指導教授 : 廖慶榮


隨著大學學歷的日漸普及化,如何在大學時期就建立完善的就業能力,應是當前大學畢業生在離開學校前所要面臨的重要課題。從各家人力銀行對於企業徵才所注重的職能需求進行調查時發現,現代的企業選才時特別重視應徵者的品格、團隊精神、主動積極、溝通協調能力、工作熱誠、負責任、工作具效率等特質,專業能力反而是可以學習的。每位學生在畢業前都會希望有合適的職涯發展及人生規劃,但除專業領域之專精外,也需適時地建立自己的職涯核心能力,才有助於未來的職涯發展。 本研究以雲端全人發展網(e-HO Cloud),透過e-HO的特性,設計活動App來吸引同學使用,藉此提升溝通、熱誠等核心能力。透過有趣的App,讓同學在學習中無形增進核心能力,整個研究相關議題與技術部份,計有雲端運算、全人發展網、核心能力、溝通能力、熱誠能力等。 活動為期八週,本研究針對可增進溝通與熱誠的核心能力設計八個單元活動,透過發展的量表衡量,探討不同院別、年級、性別,以及是否修習相關課程等背景變項的學生,透過e-HO活動App融入學習後,對於學生的溝通、熱誠能力有何影響。「溝溝手2.0」活動為期八週,本研究針對可以增進溝通與熱誠的核心能力設計八個單元活動,在衡量溝通能力分為三個構面,分別是表達與傾聽、同理心與回應,以及社交關係與互動。在衡量熱誠能力方面,本研究以學生對於全人發展網活動的參與度,衡量調和式熱誠與強迫式熱誠四個構面。表達與溝通、社交關係與互動、調和式熱誠、強迫式熱誠、App使用者熱誠等五個構面為經過因素分析所得到的結果。 實驗設計以單組前後測的方式對538位參與者進行施測,在經過八個單元的活動後,排除參與度不足的參與者,進行資料的篩選,共保留148位參與者進行資料分析。本研究以三種不同方式對資料進行探討,首先針對不同背景變項(如:性別、年級、學院)探討本活動對參與者帶來哪些影響;接著以成對樣本t檢定來檢視學生在五個構面中,對於核心能力是否有所成長;最後本研究將前測與後測的參與者進行統計分析,藉此瞭解參與者在經過八個單元的活動後,溝通與熱誠能力是否有所提升。 研究結果發現,在148個參與者當中,「溝溝手2.0」活動在溝通與熱誠能力五個構面中:1.對女性的參與者帶來較大的影響;2.高年級的影響也較低年級的大;3.法學院學生在熱誠能力有優於設計學院學生的表現,其他學院並無顯著差異,學院差異對與溝通能力沒有帶來什麼影響;4.整體學員在五個構面中,前測與後測的結果有顯著差異,顯示「溝溝手2.0」活動確實對溝通與熱誠能力,達到一定顯著的效果。 本研究的結果可以作為教學輔助的參考,藉由更有趣的方式來提供課餘學習,也提供了一種培養核心能力的有效方式。


It’s the most important plan for life for each graduate to promote the ability about Career-progression. To be an expert, students have to construct core competence for working. In order to promote the future working ability, we found that this research is designed by e-Learning way in general curriculum with internet interaction after studying class. This research is designed with an App activity related to interpersonal relationship, " gogo-hand 2.0", through the holistic learning environment, " e-Ho "; the interesting way attracts students to attempt the promotion for core competence. " gogo-hand 2.0" are separated into 8 units for communication and passion capabilities. To promote communication capability, there are divided from 2 dimensions: express and communicate and listen (contact process), and social and interaction (community process). To measure of passion capability, we compare 3 dimensions: the harmony passion, the obsessive passion and the obsessive passion for App users, by participation in the activities of " e-Ho". The five dimensions of express and communicate, empathy and response, social and interaction, harmony passion and obsessive passion and the obsessive passion for App users result from the factor-analysis. This experiment is a one-group pretest-posttest design for 538 participants, after 8 units App activities, It’s selected and eliminated the lacking of participation, and remained 148 participants. To explore the data in 3 distinct ways, first, we talk about the impact on different background (ex: gender, grades and college); Second, we survey the promotion of core competence with paired-samples t-test to exam each participants in seven factor; the final, we gather statistics in pretest-posttest for participants, through the analysis of 8 units activities, we could see the what degree of communication and passion are increases. The result of experiment shows the big influence in 5 dimensions of "gogo-hand 2.0" on female of the 148 participants. The senior has much more effect than the junior. Law students have more great effect than students of design department, and there are little difference between others institutes, in other words, it hasn’t big influence in colleges . In 5 dimensions, there is big distinctness for pretest and posttest exam; the low-group and middle group of participant move to the higher group which indicates the activity of “gogo-hand 2.0” could increase communication and passion capabilities and achieve the significant effect. As a result, our study could help teaching by interesting way which improves students to learn, also it provides effective mode to promote core competence.


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