  • 學位論文

製造商與零售商的策略管理架構- 印尼市場的實證研究

Strategic Management Framework for Manufacturers and Retailers: an Empirical Study of Indonesian Market

指導教授 : 黃惠民


摘要 今日的供應鏈管理者正面對著許多流入型供應的不確定性風險,買方必須學會如何轉移不可預期的風險。我們從三種形式社會資本提出理論,假設買方公司面臨風險時,會傾向於與關鍵供應商形成社交網絡,以求降低風險。在這個研究中,對於以社會資本理論為基礎之買方與供應商關係的供應風險管理,我們實證檢驗結構、關係和認知方法之策略管理架構,並且提出對於買方績效改進和創新的影響。“結構”反應社會的互動聯繫,“關係”是指對供應商的信任,“認知” 描述共同的遠景。結果顯示,當買方公司面臨供應風險時,會傾向於與關鍵供應商形成社交網絡,以降低三種維度的社會資本風險,即社會互動聯係、供應商信任與共同遠景。接著,這三個維度的社會資本對買方績效改善有積極的影響性。最後,結果顯示買方的績效改善會正面地影響創新績效。透過買方與供應商關係之社會資本方法的發展,這些發現是供應風險管理文獻上的新貢獻。 除了從製造商的角度,我們還從零售商的角度研究風險管理。在這項研究中,我們將探討策略規劃和功能經營策略的影響性,幫助小型獨立零售商/傳統零售商,在面臨組織性零售商的競爭中求生存。基於跨層面調查研究,這項研究說明策略規劃和功能經營策略對於零售商與供應商關係、消費者忠誠度計劃及零售商績效的影響。為了釐清這些結構之間的關係,使用結構方程模式(SEM)檢查模式適配度和五個假設。結果顯示,策略規劃對於小型獨立零售商是相當重要的,因為它影響零售商與供應商關係和消費者忠誠度計劃。此外,消費者忠誠度計劃也受到功能經營策略的影響。零售商與供應商關係和消費者忠誠度計劃顯示出對獨立小型零售商績效有正面的影響。本研究支持一個更複雜的存在性,即在零售績效上,消費者忠誠度計劃完全地傳達策略規劃與功能經營策略之間的關係。此外,零售商與供應商關係完全地傳達策略規劃和小型零售商績效之間的關係。通過跨類別關係的發展,如策略、買方行為和結構類別,這些發現是小型零售商研究文獻上的新貢獻。此外,這項研究可以提升策略管理及小型獨立零售商績效,以獲得持續的競爭優勢。


Abstract Today’s supply chain managers are facing plenty of risks due to uncertainties of inbound supplies. Buyer must learn how to mitigate those unexpected risks. Theorizing from the three forms of social capital, we hypothesize that when a buying firm faces supply risk, it tends to form social networks with its key supplier to reduce risk. This study empirically examines strategic management framework of structural, relational, and cognitive approaches to supply risk management grounded in the social capital theory in buyer-supplier relationships and proposed its impact on buyer performance improvement and innovation. The structural is reflected in social interaction ties, the relational is referred in trust in supplier and the cognitive is described in shared vision. The results indicate that when a buying firm faces supply risk, it tends to form social networks with its key supplier to reduce risk in three dimensions of social capital, i.e. social interaction ties, trust in supplier and shared vision. Subsequently, the three dimensions of social capital have a positive effect on the buyer performance improvement. Finally, the results show that performance improvement of buyer positively influence the innovation performance. These findings constitute a new contribution to the literature on supply risk management through the development of social capital approaches in buyer-supplier relationship. Besides from a manufacturer perspective, we also study strategic management framework from a retailer perspective. In this study, we explore the influence of strategic planning and functional-business strategy in helping small-independent retailers/traditional retailers to survive amidst the competition with organized retailers. Based on cross-sectional survey research, this study illustrates the influence of strategic planning and functional-business strategy to retailer-supplier relationship, consumer loyalty program, and retailer performance. In order to clarify the relationships among these constructs, structural equation model (SEM) is employed to examine the model fit and the five hypotheses. The results show that strategic planning is critical for small independent retailers due to its influence on the retailer-supplier relationship and consumer loyalty program. Besides, consumer loyalty program is also influenced by functional-business strategy. The retailer-supplier relationship and consumer loyalty program exhibits a positive influence on the small-independent retailer performance. The research supports the existence of a more complex that the consumer loyalty program fully mediates the relationships between strategic planning and functional-business strategy on retail performance. Moreover, the retailer-supplier relationship fully mediates the relationship between strategic planning and small retailer performance. These findings constitute a new contribution to the literature on small retailer research streams through the development of cross category relationships such as strategy, buyer behavior, and structure categories. Besides, this study can enhance the strategic management as well as the performance of small-independent retailers to achieve sustainable competitive advantage.


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