  • 學位論文


Effects of Students’ Science Learning Achievements by Integrating the Science Reading and Writing in Elementary School Science Teaching

指導教授 : 張世忠


本研究的目的是探討整合科學閱讀及寫作於國小自然科教學,對學生自然科學習成就之影響,並探究在此整合科學閱讀及寫作的教學下,其影響學生自然科學習成就之因素。本研究採準實驗研究法,以桃園縣某國小六年級學生,取兩班分別為實驗組與對照組,各組分別為31人與30人為研究對象,其中實驗組實施「整合科學閱讀及寫作於自然科教學」的方式進行教學,而對照組則採用一般自然科教學的方式進行。教學內容以六年級上學期自然科康軒版第七冊的內容為主,包含四個授課單元,分別為天氣的變化、大地的奧秘、水溶液及電磁作用,教學時間為期一整學期,每週三節課。本研究包含量化與質化的分析方式,採用學校統一之六上自然科期末定期評量學習成就測驗為測驗工具,其內容分為科學閱讀理解及科學寫作兩部分,藉由獨立樣本單因子共變數分析,分析兩組學生經由不同的自然科教學方式後,其自然科定期評量學習成就表現;利用獨立樣本t檢定,考驗兩組學生之科學閱讀理解及科學寫作表現的差異;透過獨立樣本單因子變異數分析,考驗實驗組中不同學習成就分組學生之科學閱讀理解及科學寫作表現的差異;並以皮爾森積差相關分析,考驗科學閱讀理解與科學寫作之間的關係;最後再以多元逐步迴歸分析,瞭解科學閱讀與科學寫作對自然科學習成就的預測能力;末了,亦以課程回饋開放式問卷、學生晤談、教師省思札記、學生作品、課堂錄影等質性資料分析來輔助說明。本研究經分析獲得以下結論: 一、兩組學生在自然科期中定期評量的學習成就表現已達顯著差異,在期末定期評量的學習成就表現仍是實驗組優於對照組,顯示「整合科學閱讀及寫作於自然科教學」,能提升學生的自然科學習成就。 二、兩組學生在期末定期評量學習成就測驗中的科學閱讀理解表現未達顯著差異,而在科學寫作表現則是實驗組優於對照組,顯示「整合科學閱讀及寫作於自然科教學」,能促進學生的科學寫作表現,其中以「組織」能力的提升最為顯著。 三、實驗組中不同學習成就分組的學生,中分組和高分組學生在科學閱讀理解及科學寫作表現沒有顯著差異,顯示「整合科學閱讀及寫作於國小自然科教學」,有助於中分組學生的學習,不至於和高分組學生有太大的差異。 四、學生之科學閱讀理解及科學寫作表現,兩者具有中度正相關,即科學閱讀理解的表現越好,在科學寫作的表現上也比較能獲得較好的成績。 五、學生之科學閱讀理解表現及科學寫作表現均能有效預測自然科學習成就。 六、透過質性資料分析,發現「整合科學閱讀及寫作於國小自然科教學」能提升自然科學習的因素為:1.科學閱讀及寫作增進學生多方面的知識與能力。2.教師選用合適的科學閱讀文本並配合動手操作及科學寫作探究活動。3.教師適時採用個人式及小組互動式的科學閱讀及寫作方式。4.教師加強學生對科學閱讀及寫作的認同感。5.教師提供多元化的寫作類型以展現科學閱讀的成果,提升學生的學習意願。 最後,依據研究結果進行討論,發現本研究之貢獻是藉由量化數據及質性資料證明:國小自然科教學確實可經由閱讀適當的科學文本及結合實驗操作來進行,並於過程中融入科學寫作的知識探究與建構,經此整合科學閱讀及寫作的引導,除了提升學生自然科學習成就之外,也強化了學生科學寫作的組織能力,同時也發現科學閱讀理解及科學寫作表現兩者對自然科學習成就具有相當的預測力。建議未來教師可先強化自身對科學讀寫教育的信念,參與科學讀寫教育的實施,並比較不同年級、性別、區域之學生學習成就表現,使未來相關的研究變項更趨完善。


The purposes of this study were mainly to explore the impacts of students’ science learning achievements by integrating the science reading and writing model into elementary school science teaching. In addition, the study also explored the factors that improved the students’ science learning achievements influenced by the science reading and writing model. A quasi-experimental design was conducted in this study.Two classes, one with 31 sixth graders and the other with 30 sixth graders, were selected. One for experimental group with science reading and writing model and the other for control group with traditional learning process. Lessons lasted for one semester and 4 units were taught. The study used both quantitative and qualitative analyses. The Learning Achievements Test that divided into science reading comprehension and science writing was used in this study and the data was analyzed by the descriptive statistics,ANCOVA, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation and stepwise regression. Teacher’s reflection journals, the students’ responses from feedback questionnaires, students’ reading and writing learning sheets, interviews and classroom observations from the video were provided for qualitative information. The major findings were as follows: A.The science learning achievements of the experimental group and control group on the mid-term exam had attained the significant difference level, and there were significant differences on the final. The results revealed that stuents’ science learning achievements could be promoted by integrating science reading and writing model into elementary school science teaching. B. In terms of science reading comprehension on the final, the differences between experimental group and control group were not significant in total, but there were significant differences on the science writing. The results revealed that the performance of stuents’ science writing could be promoted by integrating science reading and writing model into elementary school science teaching. C. In terms of achievement level of the experimental group, no significant difference in the science reading comprehension and science writing was found between the students of middle and high achievement level. The results revealed that the performance of stuents’ science reading comprehension and science writing could be promoted by integrating science reading and writing model into elementary school science teaching. D. The degree of Pearson Correlation between science reading comprehension and science writing was middle degree. E. The science reading comprehension and science writing could predict 94.4% of science learning achievements totally. F. From the analysis of the qualitative information, the factors that improved the students’ science learning achievements influenced by the science reading and writing model can be explained through the following aspects: 1. the students’ responses expressed that the science reading and writing model helped them to promote their science knowledge and ability. 2. choosing a science text suitable for reading and taking scientific inquiry activities, including scientific experiment and science writing,would be of great importance to improve the students’ science learning achievements . 3.It would be a good science reading and writing strategy for students’ science learning if teacher staggered the individual learning and cooperative group learning. 4.Students’ science learning achievements could be improved by increasing positive attitudes toward the learning of science reading and writing. 5.Teacher offered a variety of science writing to come out the performance of science reading would promote the students’ science learning achievements. Finally, the implications and suggestions were provided for the science teacher professional development and future research.


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