  • 學位論文


A Study on Teacher-Pupil Interaction of English Teaching on An English Village in Taiwan

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


摘 要 本研究旨在以個案研究的方式,瞭解台灣北部一所英語村的情境教室內,英語教學師生互動的模式;分析英語教學師生互動運用的策略;探討英語教學師生互動策略的因素;進一步討論英語教學師生互動的影響與英語教學的關係。研究對象為參與一日遊主題教學的四位外籍教師、參與遊學體驗的某國小五年級學生共13位、及班導師1位。本研究結果與建議如下: 壹、 真實的情境脈絡激發英語學習動機。 貳、師生互動與同儕互動形成英語教學師生互動的主要動力。 叁、影響師生互動的因素分為教學環境、教學內容、教師教學與學生反應四個 面向。 肆、師生互動影響學生內在心理歷程與改變其外顯行為。 伍、師生互動與英語學習成效有關,原則在於引起學習動機、有意義的輸入與 輸出、積極的互動參與、與「開口說」。 根據本研究結果建議,英語教師應以全英語教學,善用人際互動與提問技巧,教學以學生為主體,設計互動式、任務型或小組合作的活動。師資培育單位以培養國內專業雙語英語教師為目標,加強教師人際關係互動能力,提供英語教學與課程設計研習。教學單位考量複製英語村的教學模式,納入學校正規教育,以減少教育資源浪費。規劃英語校外參觀,將英語學習融入社會環境中。 關鍵詞:英語村、師生互動


師生互動 英語村


Abstract This study aims to explore the context of the situated scenario classrooms of an English village in Taiwan in the aspects of the teacher-pupil interaction: patterns, strategies, factors, impacts, and further discussion on the relations between the impacts and English teaching. To achieve these goals, a case study was designed by selecting an elementary school’s English village which is located in the Northern Taiwan, 13 fifth grade students, and the class teacher. The results indicate that: (1) The authentic contexts stimulate students’ motivation to learn English; (2) The teacher-pupil interaction includes teacher-student interaction and the interaction between peers; (3) The factors that influence the teacher-pupil interaction includes the environment, content, teachers’ teaching behavior and students’ response; (4) The teacher-pupil interaction has impacts on the students’ internal motivation and external learning behavior; (5) The teacher-pupil interaction have correlation with English learning in the aspects of higher motivation, meaningful input and out, interactive participation, and speak English out. According to the study results suggest that (1) English teachers should consider whole English teaching in class, student-centered curriculum, and interactive activities; (2) Teacher education units to train professional bilingual English teacher, to enhance teachers’ communication skills, to provide English teaching workshop and seminar; (3) Education authority consider to place the model of English teaching into the formal elementary English teaching. Key words: English village, teacher-pupil interaction


