  • 學位論文


Implementation on the electrical characteristic of thin film transistor liquid crystal display by six sigma

指導教授 : 陳平舜


企業面對大環境競爭,想要永續經營下去必須持續保持創新的態度,不斷改善自身的弱點,及提升競爭優勢。本研究是以一個案公司為研究對象,該公司在面板產業界已經擁有四十多年的經營經驗,面對市場瞬息萬變的生態,為了增加公司競爭力和獲利,積極導入創新製程,縮短產品開發流程、彈性調整產品組合與生產高附加價值產品。 此次於關鍵新製程導入過程中,遇到連原本技轉公司都無法解決之品質不良事件,個案公司以專案方式成立改善團隊,配合企業內導入行之有年的品質管理活動,成功採用六標準差定義(Define)、衡量(Measure)、分析(Analyze)、改善(Improve)及控制(Control)五個步驟來改善製程上的不良,達成客戶對品質的滿意和提高交貨率。 本研究透過個案公司案例之執行結果,來驗證所提出之六標準差專案推動步驟,確實是可以提升公司製程改善績效,及達到本專案研究目的,期望未來公司相關專案皆能套入此法,為企業創造出更多經濟效益。


In order to enhance companies’ competitiveness and keep sustainable development in the changeable environment, enterprises have to keep pursuing innovation and improving their weakness all the time. This study is to study a case company, which has manufactured many kinds of panels for more than 40 years. For facing the fluctuating market, the case company wants to enhance its competitiveness and earn more profits. Therefore, the case company took some actions, including implementing new manufacturing processes, shortening product development processes, adjusting the product-mix flexibly, and manufacturing high added-value products. The motivation of this study was to investigate a project that was reported a poor quality issue. The quality issue could not be solved by the technology transferring company. The goal of this study was to organize a project team for solving this problem. With the implementation of quality projects for years, the project team of the case company used the five steps of Six Sigma, which consisted of Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control, to reduce the number of defects caused by manufacturing processes. The results of the project met customers’ satisfaction with products’ quality and improved orders’ filling rates. Through the implementation of the project, this study showed that Six Sigma could improve performance of manufacturing processes and achieve the research purpose. The experience of this project could be viewed as a reference for managers to implement similar projects in order to create more economic profits in the future.


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