  • 學位論文


The study of Christians' Living Space

指導教授 : 劉時泳 曹拯元


摘要 因生活上有很多的非人類在有限的知識與智慧可控制之下,宗教文化給于現代人影響並不亞於生活在早期社會。人對住宅生活空間使用行為與生活習慣的嗜好與喜好也常因為宗教信仰行為做出保留與取得或捨棄的行為。甚至對空間之使用往往以宗教信仰行為做為判斷與依據,其個人的嗜好與喜好也甘心願意遷就於其個人的宗教信仰行為。可見宗教信仰行為對空間規劃常是凌駕於生活物質喜好與嗜好。從空間使用者之「宗教信仰的涵義」觀點,探究「宗教信仰者的生活行為」及「宗教信仰者對空間使用的表徵」。透過「文獻的探討」為基本資料整理與「個案的觀察與訪談」來了解居住空間使用者的宗教信仰行為 對其生活空間的計劃及空間因本身對信仰的認知以及影響到空間物質的因素例如:材質、色彩、採光等等與心理因素 :環境氛圍、領域感、安全感、自證性、自明性、美感。研究中採用質性研究方法,以立意採樣方式進行案例訪談。訪談同時繪製受訪者之居住空間平面圖與記錄居住空間的觀察,再透過與受訪者的互動,了解受訪者其宗教信仰行為與其居住空間的關係以研究者的觀感及評論來詮釋宗教信仰者對居住空間之使用方式。 關鍵辭 : 信仰行為 ,使用行為


Abstract Since plenty of non-humans live under the control of limited knowledge and intelligence, the im-pacts of religious culture on people in modern society is no less than that in early times. People’s pref-erence to residential space and living habits may also be reserved, acquired and abandoned due to reli-gious belief; or even, people take religious belief as judgment and foundation for space utility and some individuals give priority to religious belief rather than personal hobbies and preferences. Thereby, it can easily find that religious belief overrides the preferences in life. The study explores the religious believers’ behavior styles and their features in space utility from the perspective of connotation of religious belief. It uses literature review to collect basic data, and observation and interview on individual case to learn the users’ religious belief on planning of living spaces; the influences of users’ cognition of religious belief on space utilities; the factors affecting the space, such as materials, color and natural lighting; as well as physiological factors, including environmental atmosphere, territory feeling, sense of security, self-consciousness, self-evidence and atheistic feeling. In the study, qualitative research is adopted to conduct case interview by purposive sampling. At the same time, it draws the plane figure of living spaces and records the observation of living spaces; then, through the interactions with respondents, it learns the relationship between their religious belief and living space, to illustrate the utility of living spaces of religious believers based on their feelings and comments. Key words: act of faith, using behavior


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