  • 學位論文


Accounting Conservatism: The Perspective of Self-Interested Board of Directors

指導教授 : 高儷華




After the financial crisis occurred in 2008, the top managers of some net loss companies still get high or higher salary payment. This phenomenon is also known as “fat cat”. Taiwan Stock Exchange has modified the definition of fat cat company from “the company of 2 years’ consecutive net loss with increasing board payment” to “the company of net loss with increasing board payment” since in January, 2011. This paper examines whether the more stringent criteria have any impact of accounting conservatism between the fat cat and non-fat cat companies. The empirical results show that the fat cat companies do not become more conservative as expected, while the non fat cat companies are even more conservative. This indicates that the gap of accounting conservatism between fat cat and non fat companies widens after new policy in 2011.


fat cat accounting conservatism


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