  • 學位論文


The investment behavior of the Taiwanese enterprises in Vietnam

指導教授 : 林震岩


廠商從原料到生產的過程中,應該著手於如何降低生產成本,降低生產成本最根本的就是降低製造成本,包括人力成本、原料成本、工廠租金成本等,而這些因素也造就了台商投資鄰近外國的原因。鄰近的亞洲國家,最大的台商投資國非中國莫屬,但某些台商早期基於歷史情感;除了中國投資風險多少有一些最主要的有政經風險。近十年來中國製造的成本優勢不再,勞動力成本大幅調升,加上關稅政策的調整,使得中國過去吸引外資的優勢不再,凸顯了中國競爭環境越趨艱困的現象,使得外資其中有台商逐漸外移至東南亞國家。 自1989年至2012年間,台商企業赴越南之投資總額為264.31億美元,案件共有2,269 件,佔外人投資總額的12.37%,居各國在越南投資排名第2位。報告(財訊快報,2013)指出台商去年在越南總投資金額居外資第七位,但近十五年的累積投資金額則是僅次於日本的第二大外資,越南逐漸成為台商的海外投資據點與東南亞國家的耀眼明星。然而,赴越南投資的企業所面對的,不僅是社會文化、風俗習慣、政治、經濟、技術發展上的差異與當地人力素質的高低之外,生產過程中的知識移轉成功與否更深深的影響著產品品質與生產成本。 本研究企圖對越南的投資環境做分析及探討台商的知識移轉機制及當地子公司的吸收能力,是否會影響移轉的效能?企業如何克服知識移轉的過程中所遭遇的困難?面對一波波的國際競爭,台商在越南當地所施行、累聚的管理知識,是否有助於台商構建自身產業的全球佈局工程與競爭優勢?作為未來對於台灣投資越南的看法與分析,故希望能對代工產業及我未來的就業有所貢獻。本研究將以深度訪談、參與觀察及文獻探討為研究方法。


In recent years, the majority of Taiwanese factories have invested into foreign because of increasing labor cost and real estate. To lower costs, the enterprise has to decrease production costs including labor costs, material cost, renting cost etc. Compared to other neighbor Asian companies, Taiwanese companies account for the largest proportion of investment in China. In addition, the Taiwanese investors not only take into consideration about economic risks but also political risks. However, the labor cost has increased in China over the last decade. China loses the advantage of the lower production costs and also faces obstacles in competing with other companies. Therefore, some Taiwanese factories start moving to South Asia. From 1988 to 2012, Taiwanese companies in Vietnam had total investment of U.S 26.431 billion dollars, accounting for 12.37% of the total foreign investment and ranked No. 2 in top FDI inflow into Vietnam. Taiwan was the seventh largest foreign country to invest Vietnam last year and also the second largest investor after Japan for last fifteen years (Investor News Report, 2013). However, foreign companies investing in Vietnam are also facing the cultural, political and economical differences. And among these, the knowledge transfer success is vital to reduce the production cost in Vietnam. This study attempts to analyze whether the knowledge spillover and the absorptive capacity of the local subsidiaries will affect the performance of Taiwanese enterprises in Vietnam or not. Accordingly, the research reveals some difficulties that the Tawainess enterprises have to overcome in the process of knowledge transfer to build their own’s competitive advantage.


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10. 台灣區電機電子工業同業公會,2013年東協曁印度投資環境與市場調查,18:172-173頁。
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