  • 學位論文


A Study of Corporate Spokes-character Behavior: The Fans of OPEN-chan as Examples

指導教授 : 王如鈺


2003年超商集點兌換公仔活動,引發蒐集熱潮,粉絲人數快速增加,使得台灣玩具公仔文化蔚為風潮。因為台灣深受日本卡通、動漫影響,幾乎對於Hello Kitty、哆啦A夢、迪士尼系列等角色愛不釋手,因此7-ELEVEN 2005年委託日本電通公司設計「OPEN將」擔任企業角色代言人,藉此獲得消費者認同、建立品牌辨識度後,進而發展家族角色及故事,把角色公仔當做明星來培養,成為台灣第一個躋身國際級的卡通角色。當一個角色經過授權後,被用來轉印在各種商品上,經過零售通路進行販售,形成廣大的角色經濟效益。 本研究利用SEM結構方程式以「OPEN將迷」為研究對象來驗證BLI品牌知覺價值、品牌忠誠度與熱迷行為之間的關聯性,研究發現:當消費者對品牌之知覺價值愈高,則對該品牌忠誠度愈高;當消費者之品牌忠誠度愈高,則熱迷行為愈強烈;而品牌忠誠度具有完全中介效果,代表會影響著BLI品牌知覺價值與熱迷行為之間的表現。從實證中發現,OPEN將迷在品牌知覺指標中皆達顯著,但其中以炫耀性表現最低,儘管過去研究在探究BLI品牌知覺可適用於一般品牌,推測奢侈品牌與一般品牌在價格上仍有一段落差關係導致;而品牌忠誠度在態度與行為忠誠上表現相當,意味著OPEN將迷不只在態度上有所承諾以外,同時也表現在行為上;在熱迷行為表現上,以口碑傳播行為表現最高,而以活動參與行為表現次高,表示OPEN將迷樂於進行口碑傳播,並積極活動參與,來達成熱迷行為,而非僅限於產品收藏。 此外,由於研究中品牌忠誠度具有完全中介效果,代表忠誠度之高低影響著BLI品牌知覺價值與熱迷行為之間的表現,更代表OPEN將迷的熱迷行為,是在透過實實在在的消費體驗後,才會誘發參與。因此,7-ELEVEN應提高熱迷之品牌忠誠度,使其熱迷自發性替品牌或商品擔任宣傳與代言之角色,來增加口碑推薦行為以及購買商品數量,進而培養出新的忠誠顧客;在競爭策略上,差異化是區別廠商與競爭者的重要關鍵,CVS的經營上除了商品與服務外,透過具有商標保護及獨特的企業公仔,也是差異化策略中的重要工具。


Since 2003, convenience stores in Taiwan held the activity of point collection to exchange animation toys, triggering the craze of collecting and making a rapid increase in the number of fans, so that Taiwan’s animation toys culture is becoming a trend. Because of the influence of Japanese cartoons and anime, the most favorite characters as know as Hello Kitty, Doraemon, the Disney characters and others. This fact caused Dentsu Group commissioned by 7-ELEVEN to design the "OPEN-chan" as a corporate spokes-character. They cultivated the " OPEN-chan " as a star and became Taiwan's first international cartoon character to getting consumer recognition, building brand recognition, and creating other roles in OPEN-chan’s family. When a spokes-character is authorized to produce variety of goods and sold through the retail store, which will make the majority of the economic benefits. In this study, we set the OPEN-chan’s fans as the research target and applied the structural equation modeling to verify the relationship among perceived value of brand, brand loyalty and fan’s behavior. The result shows as followed:The higher consumer perceived value of the brand, the higher brand loyalty is; the higher consumer brand loyalty, the stronger fans behavior is; In addition, the result shows that the brand loyalty has fully mediated effects, affecting the relationship between brand perceived value and fan’s behavior. In the BLI model, the perceived values of brand are all significant and the perceived conspicuousness is the lowest. Although the past studies explored the brand perceived value is applicable to general brands, but it speculated that the luxury brand and other brands still have a gap in the price; The performance of attitude and behavior loyalty have the same degree, which means the OPEN-chan’s fans will not only make commitment in attitude, but also reflected in the behavior; In fans behavior, the OPEN-chan’s fans have higher word-of-mouth behavior and the next is the activity participation behavior, which means the OPEN-chan’s fans is willing to word of mouth and participates in activities actively, not just collecting products. In addition, the result also shows the brand loyalty acts as fully mediator in the relationship between brands perceived value and fans’ behavior, which means that will go through consumer experience to induce participation. Therefore, it is important to increase brand loyalty, so that consumers would volunteer to recommend others, increasing word-of-mouth to people and purchasing more, thereby developing more new loyal customers; on competitive strategy, differentiation is the key between the manufacturers and competitors. Except the goods and services in CVS, through a trademark protection and unique corporate dolls is also an important tool for differentiation.


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