  • 學位論文


A Study of Customer Value on Collecting Behavior of Toys-Take Transformers as an Example

指導教授 : 林昆範


動畫、漫畫、電玩遊戲、電影所衍生出的周邊商品帶來可觀的經濟效益已是各廠家爭食的大餅,而其中以科幻機器人題材可說是佔了相當高的比例,源自於1984年美日合作的「變形金剛」誕生自今已超過30年的歷史,當初的目標客群的兒童們現今是已是具備自主獨立購買力的成人,而以此媒材中的角色形象所設計出的玩具商品,對於這些「收藏者」來說有著與兒時截然不同的意義,當獲得童年時喜愛角色的週邊商品時,可從中感受到回憶的彌補或延伸,進而得到心靈上的自我實現與寄託作用,並且樂於鑑賞產品本身的精緻設計轉化為收藏行為,使得定位於15歲以上精緻而高定價的收藏取向的商品成為玩具市場的新契機。 本研究「玩具消費與收藏行為之研究-以變形金剛為例」以青少年以上至成年的收藏者之消費收藏行為做基礎研究探討,先探討「變形金剛」的歷史背景與文化意涵所引發的收藏動機考量,並從產品規格、行銷宣傳、包裝設計等面向進行按例進行分析,其分析結果做為實體創作設計的核心基礎,故期望本研究可以作為同樣以收藏取向的玩具開發設計作為背景研究資料模組,以蓬勃文化創意產業發展。


The huge revenue from the peripheral products of movies and ACGs (Animation, Comics, Games), which turn this market into a red ocean market. The theme of robots or Science Fiction has high percentage among all these segments. Classic robot franchise “Transformers” co-created by Hasbro and TAKARATOMY (originally known as TAKARA) in 1984. The children who were the customers at that time, have turned into the adults who can afford the products and be financial independent. To these “collect”, getting these products is not only to fulfill the regret or to extend the emotion, but also to achieve Self-actualization. Also enjoying the design of the products has turned into the collecting behavior, these are the hints of the new focus of the toy market. “A Study of Customer Value on Collecting Behavior of Toys-Take Transformers as an Example” is focus on the customer behaviors of from teenager to adults, also cover the history of “Transformers” and the impact. Based on my primary research, I analysis with the product spec, marketing, package design…etc., and use the result as the foundation of my product design. I hope that my research can be the data research model for the R&D of the toy, and enlarge the creation industry.


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