  • 學位論文


The Development of a Simulation-based Airport Immigration Officer Arrangement System

指導教授 : 黃博滄


現今人們在國際間往來日益頻繁,機場又是一個進出國家的重要窗口,因此機場移民官在檢驗旅客往來時就成為確保機場安全的一個重要門檻,為了防止非法移民、人蛇偷渡等狀況的發生,機場移民官須要花許多精力於檢驗的部分上。在日益繁重的檢驗業務時要如何保持效率成為安排機移民官配置時所需考量的重要因素,在固定的機場移民官數目下需要進行逐漸繁重之業務時,機場移民官的安排就變成很重要的控制因素。因此本研究希望可以透過系統模擬的方式進行機場移民官配置的研究,進而建構一機場移民官之配置系統。 本研究透過系統模擬為架構進行機場移民官配置的相關研究為主題,首先利用系統模擬建模的方式建構出機場入境檢查區的狀況,再藉由這一個模組為基礎進行方法之研究,並且將所得到的方法與模組進行結合,建構出一機場移民官配置系統,如此可以提供機場有效率配置機場移民官的方法,達到顧客滿意度並且提升機場安全性。 在建構系統後為了確定其具有效性與可行性,本研究利用系統模擬驗證的方式進行確認系統的可行性,並且利用與個案機場進行討論與確認本系統所建構之方法與架構是可以進行機場移民官配置優化的動作。透過本研究結果可以顯示本研究所建構之機場移民官配置系統是可以有在固定等候時間下提升機場移民官在崗位上之工作利用率及穩定度,並且可以計算出每個時段所需在崗位上之機場移民官數目以便進行機場移民官之配置。如此可以減少移民官在崗位上的時間,並獲得時間可以處理其餘重要事務與妥善休息,達到減少加班時間與維持檢驗之穩定度。如此可以減少移民官在崗位上的時間,並獲得時間可以處理其餘重要事務與妥善休息,達到減少加班時間與維持檢驗之穩定度。


Nowadays international traveling has become more frequent than ever before. With an airport being the main gate to enter and exit a country, the immigration officer have become the key to airport security in terms of visitor inspection. To prevent illegal immigration and human trafficking, the immigration officer spend great efforts on security inspections. As the inspection task increases, it is important to maintain the efficiency and reliability of the process when it comes to manpower allocation at the immigration officer. When there are only a fixed number of immigration officer available to handle the increasing workload, the allocation of manpower becomes the crucial control factor. Therefore, this research conducts a study on manpower allocation at the immigration officer by using system simulation in hopes of constructing a system that can effectively allocate manpower based on information of the immigration officer, flights and passengers. The main objective of this research is to construct an immigration officer arrangement system with the help of system simulation. First, simulation modeling is used to establish a scenario at the immigration officer inspection point. Based on this module, studies are then conducted to find a method and combine it with the module to build for airports an efficient immigration officer arrangement system which ensures customer satisfaction and enhances airport security. To ensure the system is both effective and practical, system simulation verification method is used to verify its feasibility. Discussions are also carried out with personnel at the specific airport to confirm that the system is able to optimize the manpower allocation at the immigration officer. The result of this research shows that by calculating the number of immigration officer required at the post in each time period, manpower can be effectively allocated using the developed immigration officer arrangement system, which also proves its ability to improve manpower utilization and stability during a fixed period of waiting time.


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