  • 學位論文


The Effects of Different Tree Forms on Landscape Preference and Position Choice in an Open Space

指導教授 : 謝明燁


在眾多探討戶外開放空間等待行為之研究中,為了降低外在環境諸多無法控制的變數,其操作方法多以「影像模擬及建構虛擬空間」的電腦模擬影像代替實質環境。然而,影像模擬的結果是否真能取代真實空間的結果?兩種方法是否會產生不同的研究結果,實為值得探討的課題。因此,本研究首先以戶外開放空間停留位置的選擇為主題,分別以「真實場景」及「電腦模擬影像」兩種方法進行實驗,以比較兩種方法的差異。研究結果指出:透過兩組不同的受測者在楓香詩園中選擇停留位置,證實以「電腦模擬影像」取代「真實場景」之操作方法具有一定的可信度。 接著,本研究加入植栽外部特徵中的四種「造形」為研究基礎,包含:紡錘形、傘形、圓形、圓錐形,搭配四種不同的空間配置,營造出不同的空間氛圍,進一步探討受測者對於不同樹形搭配對景觀偏好與停留位置選擇之影響。研究結果指出:(一)不同樹形搭配對景觀偏好與停留位置選擇之影響,主要在於不同的樹形在水平向度所形成之陰影面積及形狀間接影響了停留位置之選擇,而非垂直向度所形成之視覺景觀。推測其原因可能在於受測者優先考量遮陽、可坐下等「生理層面」之因素,再者才顧及可以看人潮來往的「心理層面」之考量。(二)單一樹形之種類會影響偏好:以「圓形」的偏好值為最高,「傘形」為次高,「紡錘形」皆為最低。(三)二種不同樹形以1:1搭配之景觀會影響偏好:以「一傘形一圓形」的組合最受偏好,其次為「一圓形一圓錐形」,再其次則為「一傘形一圓錐形」。換言之,雖然圓錐形的景觀偏好值偏低,但若能與較茂密、開展之圓形、傘形搭配呈現時,其景觀偏好值將大幅提升。


The research on waiting behavior of open space, the method of operation were “Image Simulation and Virtual Space” by computer instead of a real environment, that for reduce the uncontrollable variables of external environment. However, the result of image Simulation really can replace the real environment? It is worth it to study whether two methods of operation will create different results. First of all, the theme of this research is that position choice in an open space, it compare the differences between “real environment” and “computer simulation”. Through compare with position choice of two different subjects, the research result was proved that the real environment was replaced with the computer simulation is credible. The following step, this research arrange four kind of tree forms, including spindle, umbrella, round shape, cone, trying with different space allocations to create different space atmosphere, and further discuss different tree forms that would effects subjects’ landscape preference and position choice . The research results point out: (1) On the position choice, subjects indirectly are influenced by the shadow area and shape of the different tree, due to the tree’s horizontal dimension rather than the vertical dimension. By guess that first reason may depend on the physiology, such as a place where can stay in the shadow or have a seat. Second reason is about the psychology, such as a place where can see people come from or crowd. (2)The subjects are influenced by the tree form: Round-shape is the most favored, Umbrella is secondary and spindle is the worst. (3) In landscape preference with two kinds of tree forms mix at a proportion of 1:1: mix of umbrella with round-shape is the most favored, secondly it is mix of round-shape with cone , and then it is mix of umbrella with cone. In other words, cone is not preferred but if it mixed with round-shape or umbrella which is more dense or extended will bring more preferred.


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