  • 學位論文


A study of Chinese and Vietnamese Euphemisms-the Case on Sexuality and Bodily Secretions

指導教授 : 柳玉芬


委婉語既是一種語言現象,也是一種文化現象,形形色色的委婉語反映了形形色色的民族文化。中越兩國有著深厚的文化淵源,兩種文化受儒家傳統文化思想影響,一些委婉語的表達方式似乎相同,然而也有相異之處,本研究欲瞭解影響漢越委婉語表達異同之原因,主要以與性行為及人體生理排泄相關的詞語為主,探討漢越對這兩方面委婉詞彙構造方式之異同。本文以王雅軍 (2005)《實用委婉語詞典》所列入性愛、排泄有關的詞語為對比分析的主要詞彙來源,根據李國南 (2001)針對委婉語構成方式進行分類包括:模糊詞語、借代、借詞、擬人、反義委婉法和諧音六種方式,使用對比分析的方法進行研究。 研究結果在六種構造方式下分為兩大類,一類是語言因素,一類是文化元素。在性愛詞語方面,語言因素下,兩種語言委婉語的趨同性主要以模糊詞語為主,如「那個」、「那事」、「那種事」婉指性活動。性愛委婉語受到文化因素的影響下,兩種語言的趨同性主要是借代,又可分為:借用典故,借處所代替性活動、代替性交易,借工具代性生活,借性行為特徵作為比喻性交、比喻賣淫行為,借人體局部代事物,借電影內容特徵代事物,借某種職業的特徵代之,借動物代之,借專名代指好色之徒。在趨異性方面,兩種語言使用不同的動物代指性服務者、好色之徒,使用不同的顏色指稱帶有色情內容的事物。 在人體生理排泄詞語的表達方面,語言因素下,漢越委婉語的趨同性只有諧音此手法。其趨異性體現於借代(借拉丁字母寫法代排氣)、借詞(外來詞)、擬人此三種表達方式。人體生理排泄委婉語也受文化因素的影響,趨同性在於借代(借特徵代排便、借兒童用詞、借女性生理期)和反義委婉法這兩種手法。兩種語言的趨異性為漢語借用典故來表達排便。


The linguistic phenomenon called euphemism is a vivid representation of a cultural norm and it reflects the pattern and characteristics of the particular national culture. Asian countries, such as China and Vietnam, belong to a cultural sphere, have deep cultural roots and are influenced by traditional Confucian culture that allow them to employ substantial use of euphemisms in their everyday language. In lieu of Chinese and Vietnamese cultures using euphemisms to replace sexuality and bodily secretions, this paper will take this phenomenon as the object of the study and aims to explore the similarities and differences between Chinese and Vietnamese euphemism language factors and cultural factors. A comparative analysis method is utilized to compare two languagues’s euphemisms. These euphemisms are mainly from Wang Ya Jun (2005) "Practical euphemism dictionary". On the other hand is Li Guo Nan (2001) classification system: vague words and expressions, metonymy, loan word, personification, ironic and assonance. The results show that, language and cultural factors highly influence Chinese and Vietnamese euphemism on sexuality and bodily secretions. In terms of the language factors, both languages used vague formulaic expressions such as "that is," "that thing", "kind of thing," to talk about sexual activity. On the culture factor, the convergence of both languages is metonymy. The divergence in both languages is the use of different animals to mention prostitute, lascivious persons and using different colors to describe objects that have pornographic content. Chinese and Vietnamese euphemisms on bodily secretions are also affected by two factors: language and culture. On language factor terms, the mainly similarity is using assonance, whilst the differences are metonymy, loan word and personification. On culture factor terms, the similarities are metonymy and ironic, whilst the difference is Chinese euphemism using allusion.


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