  • 學位論文


The Impact of Volunteer Activity on Enterprise: Using Corporate Foundation as an Example

指導教授 : 秦宗春


台灣財團法人基金會已經超過一萬家,近年來國內企業成立基金會似乎蔚為一股風潮,總基金會數目高達數千家不說,經營項目更是涵蓋廣泛領域,企業基金會儼然成為民間非營利組織中極為重要的團體。 本文從基金會經營角度探討志工的參與動機,並將基金會分為藝文類、公益類、救助類三大類型,而志工服務的參與動機在於透過服務學習來增進自己的能力,而在人際關係也可以交到不同的朋友;另外企業參與社會公益的因素在於回饋社會,而基金會的定位不同對活動的類型也不同,同時也是行銷策略之一環,企業應審慎考量何種方式最能符合社會大眾對企業的期望。 本研究採用個案訪問之研究方法,提供一系列的討論與探討,進而發現企業在建立基金會之同時,亦會考量透過基金會的建立與運作,甚至建立不同的營運願景與營運方式,來獲取企業最大的無形獲益,像是行銷效益、企業形象、以及品牌價值等等。因此本研究進一步期望,透過個案的探討,能夠提供給其他相關企業在建立基金會時考量準則,進而可以透過社會公益將企業所需連結,以達到社會與企業利益的最大化。 關鍵字:基金會、志工參與、參與動機


基金會 志工參與 參與動機


There are more than ten thousands of Foundation Institutes in Taiwan and it has been a recent trend for domestic enterprises to establish internal foundations. Let alone the high total number of foundations in Taiwan, the scope of foundation’s business covers wide ranges, which make enterprise foundation Institutes playing a very important role in the Non-Profit Organization ( NPO). The purpose of this study is to examine. First, from the perspectives of foundation business, benefits the motivation from volunteers’ participation, which enhance participants’ of abilities, sharpen their competitiveness, and even could enlarge their social scopes. Second, different position of foundation results in different activities, which create different marketing effect for enterprise. Consequently, enterprise should consider carefully the position of foundation in the enterprise and it should be established to meet the public expectation toward the enterprise, which in turn strengthen the marketing effect of the enterprise. To sum up, this study provides a guideline for enterprise to assess the establishment of foundation, from which enterprise will gain the best invisible benefit, such as marketing, company awareness or brand image, etc from the activities of foundation.


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