  • 學位論文


Employing Data Envelopment Analysis to Evaluate the Performance of A Precision Machinery Company : Consideration of Defect Rate

指導教授 : 吳博欽 劉曉燕


機械零件製造業屬於資本,技術以及人力密集的產業,如何採取最具經濟效益的生產設備以及流程將材料製成成品以及如何運用有限的資源增加更多的產出成為企業在國際競爭環境下維持競爭力最重要的課題。 回顧相關探討製造業績效之文獻,大部分是以相同產業公司之間的比較,除了較少對於企業內部各項產品的產出作績效評估,也很少對於產品的獲利能力進行評估。 本研究目的在於建立機械零件製造業評估個別企業所擁有資源產出之產品的生產績效方法,以資料包絡分析法評估,實證國內某公司機械零件產品的生產效率問題,並且對於製造過程中所產出的不良率加以分析,評估如何降低不良率來達成更好的生產效率;同時藉由理論與實務的互相驗證,幫助企業決策人員了解各個評估產品(決策單位 ; Decision Measure Unit,DMU)的生產狀況,並作為調整資源配置以及依據評估的結果,擬定改善的方向以及目標,並且可藉由DEA的分析,作為企業調整營運策略,將更多資源投入具有生產效率的產品類型上,或是減少在不具生產效率的產品線的擴張。除了協助企業了解到所擁有資源在不同類型產品的生產上是否具有效率,並且作為企業了解本身生產型態的優勢以及劣勢參考之用。 有別於過去研究,產出僅限於營業額或是成品數目,本研究除了將總營業額進一步分解成﹕「產出數目」與「單價」之積數作為輸出項目外,並且加入「不良率的倒數」作為輸出項目,藉以評估產品製造效率以及降低不良率的目標。研究主軸為﹕ 1﹕各項機械零件產品生產效率之評估及互相比較。 2﹕以規模效率為主軸觀察各種產品規模報酬之差異,並提出受評生產零件在規模增減 上之建議。 3﹕評估達到有效率的生產所需降低之不良率目標, 並進一步提出改善建議。 4﹕機械零件製造技術規模效率及產品特性分析與生產競爭力分析。 實證結果顯示,A公司導入新型升級生產設備可有效提升生產效率,並且適合品質精密度要求較高的產品生產,分析結果並且指出使用預成形材料或是所生產的機械零件需要熱處理的製程整合,都具有生產優勢;但若是過長的製程設定以及人工作業比例或不良率太高,都會影響機械零件生產效率表現。


Precision machinery industry is a highly capital, technical, and Labor-intensive industries in Taiwan. It’s a most important course to think about how to use limited resource internal enterprise and plan most efficiency process flow to reduce cost and increase output to competitive with global wide. Review the research about the precision machinery efficiency evaluation, most of them was compare between different companies, there are few studies looking into each product for company. The main purpose for this research is to distinguish and evaluate the mechanical parts manufacture efficiency and adopts Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to verify the efficiency issues and analysis the defect rate for a company to identify the improvement target for better efficiency and reduce the defect rate. At the same time, this research could provide a digitization result to know the produce character in each product and compare to professional experience benefit for top management’s decision make. Also the DEA analysis result could be a reference for further operation strategy adjustment, put more resource into which type that suitable for a company to expend manufacture scale and reduce the scale or improve the process that is not efficient enough. Besides, a company can recognize the best way to allocate the enterprise resource and where the core competitive and weakness is. Different point of view from previous studies focus on sales revenue or finished parts, this research combine the unit price and produced parts to be one output item and also consider the undesired defect numbers (presented by reciprocal form), thereby to evaluate manufacture efficiency close to practical experience. The objectives of this research include: 1.Compare manufacture efficiency between mechanical parts. 2.Observe difference of RTS (returns to scale) for different parts base on point of view in scale efficiency and provide opinions in scale change to the estimated firms. 3.Estimate a target to reduce defect rate and provide improvement suggestions. 4.Core competitive analysis in different fabricate method and technical scale efficiency. Conclusions of the thesis are: 1.Implement new upgrade production machine could bring higher manufacture efficiency. 2.A company suitable to produce higher quality required mechanical parts. 3.Mechanical parts by using pre-form blank and heat treatment process integrated process are both efficient. 4.Not only too much production process but also manual work and defect rate will cause to a lower efficiency.


林俊良(2007),「台灣綜合劵商經營效率之研究」,中原大學國際貿易學系碩士學位論 文。
