  • 學位論文


Paternalistic leadership redefined:Behavioral dimensions and a revised model

指導教授 : 王安智 李怡真




Despite the fact that paternalistic leadership is, by definition, a combination of both authoritarianism and benevolence in leadership, the research in the past generally discussed their main and interaction effect separately. This study aims to discuss the coexistence of authoritarianism and benevolence with a collection of leader behavior samples of 70 Chinese business leaders. A leader’s leader behaviors of both authoritarianism and benevolence are reviewed by means of qualitative approach to develop a basic theoretical model. The research shows that a leader tends to respectively respond with discipline, initiative, pursuit of excellence and role modeling when the organizations and the subordinates are under the following critical contexts: mistake, obstacles, challenges and crises. Nine results are thus produced according to the leader behavior adopted. They are the realization of the company’s growth, the elevation of the subordinates’ work efficiency, the improvement of the subordinates’ interpersonal communication, the subordinates’ insistence to fulfill a difficult request, the subordinates’ being encouraged, the gratitude from subordinates, subordinates’ agreement on the leader’s reaction, the subordinates’ following and the subordinates’ awe and respect to the leader. In the research, a basic theoretical model is developed as a result on the basis of the leader behaviors observed. In the end, a discussion centering on the result of this study is made to show the major contribution and limits of this study and provide advice for future research and practical management.


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