  • 學位論文


An Integrated Model of Seat Allocation and Discriminatory Pricing of High Speed Rail under Uncertain Demand

指導教授 : 林耘竹


本研究建立一需求不確定之整合差別訂價與座位配置最佳化模式,考量票價、乘客需求量與座位配置三者之間之相互關係,以最大化期望收益。差別訂價針對旅客偏好之起迄對、快慢車種以及尖離峰時段個別建立票價因子,其中以乘客之主觀價值來決定各個因子之高低。最佳座位配置方面,本研究嘗試針對整體營運班表,並考量旅客之需求偏好,以及需求替代行為,決定每班車的座位供給量。 本研究採用異質型粒子群演算法、最佳化求解引擎CPLEX整合需求情境模擬進行模式求解,決定最佳之票價及座位配置。加入搜索粒子之粒子群演算法,經驗證可以使得粒子群演算法在搜尋過程中,能夠更精確地找到最佳解所在的位置。研究結果亦顯示,利用差別訂價搭配考量需求替代之座位配置模式,確實能提升高鐵之收益。 此外,本研究另建立一模擬乘客訂票過程之模擬模式,除了可以透過其模擬驗證本研究所提出之數學規劃模式所決定之票價結構與座位配置所獲得之實際收益的正確性。也可以用來分析如果將座位配置後剩餘之座位視為彈性座位開放給乘客自由購買,則更可以有效地增加票價收益。


This study proposes an integrated model of seat allocation and discriminatory pricing with uncertain demands. The relationship among ticket price, demand, and seat allocation is considered. The objective function of this model is to maximize the expected total revenue. The modification indices of the origin-destination pair, the train type, the peak-hour period are adopted for discriminatory pricing. The subjective value of a passenger toward the ticket price and demand substitution is also considered in this model. This study develops a heterogeneous particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm with embedded scenario analysis and optimizer for mathematical programming (CPLEX) to solve approximately the proposed model. The optimal ticket price and seat allocation for a given train schedule for each origin-destination pair and the train type is developed. We elaborate and verify introducing neighboring particles into the PSO can help find the optimal solutions. According to our testing results, an integrated model of seat allocation and discriminatory pricing can be used to increase the total revenue of high speed rail (HSR). In addition, we also simulate the booking process of passengers of HSR to verify the results of the seat allocation and discriminatory pricing. According to our testing results, it is an effective way to increase the ticket revenue of HSR; the remaining seats should open to book.


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