  • 學位論文


Using Lifestyle to Analyze the Consumer Preference toward Commercial Sapce -Based on the Principle of the Aesthetic Middle

指導教授 : 陳瑾儀


現今隨處可見各式設計風格的店面,各家商店都有不同的設計風格,消費者常因為自身的生活型態而影響個人對風格的偏好 (洪志寬,2009),不同設計風格對消費者營造出不同的感受,在空間層面下,哪一些的設計風格給消費者的感受屬於適度的、強烈的或是單調的,而消費者又偏好帶給他們哪種感受程度的空間呢?本研究主要以適度美學原理探討商業空間設計對消費者的偏好,了解消費者在商業空間中喜歡的適度美學原理為哪一類,以及消費者對於商業空間設計的風格偏好,較偏好哪一種,另外加以探討消費者的生活型態會不會影響其對適度美學或設計風格的偏好。本研究將以問卷發放為研究方法,主要分為兩個階段:首先,以紙本發放專家問卷,將8種不同風格的圖片,請專家依其對圖片的知覺吸引力及知覺強度評分,而後加以歸納適度美學類別。再以網路發放消費者問卷,以專家問卷為基礎的問卷內容發放網路問卷,回收後250份有效問卷,利用單因子變異數分析消費者對於適度美學原理的偏好有無顯著差異,再者以因素分析與集群分析法歸納分類出五種集群的消費者,以及以雙因子變異數分析不同生活型態集群消費者對於適度美學原理是否產生不同的影響。研究結果發現,適度美學原理對消費者偏好呈現顯著差異,設計風格也對消費者的偏好呈現顯著差異,但生活型態並不會影響整體的適度美學或設計風格對消費者的偏好。在人口統計變項上,以年齡及婚姻對於適度美學偏好有顯著的交互作用,表示不同年齡對於適度美學原理有不同的偏好。另外發現,在適度美學原理的中的商業空間設計,消費者反而比較偏好適度美學以外的兩個類別,與產品的適度美學原理呈現相反的狀態。


There are different types of design styles of stores everywhere, Hung (2009) indicated that the lifestyle of consumers have an impact on their personal preferences. In the aspects of the space, the design style may deliver proper, strong or simple feelings to consumers, and which kind of space style is preferred by customers is always the important issue for the store owner. This research discusses how design may influence customers’ preference based on the Principle of the Aesthetic Middle and also put lifestyle into discussion since it is one important factor that may influence peoples’ preference in every aspects. The research has been divided into two stages, in the first stage we offered questionnaire with eight different design styles of pictures to experts to rank them based on the degree of awareness of the attractiveness and strength they perceived. In the second stage, questionnaire based on the content of the previous ones were handed out online and 250 effective questionnaires were collected. Then, one-way ANOVA is applied to investigate the effect of the Aesthetic Middle toward the consumer preference. And using the Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis to generalize the five clusters of the consumers, and using two-way ANOVA to investigate the effect of the principle of the aesthetic middle toward preference base on this five clusters’ lifestyles. The research result shows that the Aesthetic Middle has a significant impact on consumer preference, and the design style has a significant impact on preference. However, the lifestyle does not affect the overall the Aesthetic Middle and design style toward consumer preference. It has few significant impacts on some lifestyle clusters. In the analysis of demographic variables, the age and marriage state have a significant interactive effect on the Principle of the Aesthetic Middle, which indicate the age have the impact on the preference based on the Principle of the Aesthetic Middle. On the other hand, the results show that the consumers do not prefer the commercial space in the Aesthetic Middle category.


