  • 學位論文


High Technology Brand Extension Factors and Brand Equity-Take Virtual Reality Product as an Example

指導教授 : 陳筱琪


品牌延伸策略是多數品牌在跨足至新的產品領域時經常會採用的策略之一,主要原因為該策略有降低資產風險、提高品牌聯想、促進消費者對新產品的接受度等優點,相較於建立新品牌,其可以幫助企業節省大量之行銷費用。除此之外,品牌延伸策略所產生的優缺點不只侷限於新的產品類別,其往往也會回饋至母品牌本身,對母品牌產生正面或負面的影響。   近年恰逢虛擬實境技術的興起,眾多知名品牌如HTC、Sony或Facebook等皆採用品牌延伸策略延伸至虛擬實境領域,相繼推出頭戴式虛擬裝置等相關產品搶占虛擬實境市場。該技術之應用領域也非常廣泛,如房地產、軍事、醫療、娛樂產業等皆是虛擬實境技術未來熱門之發展方向,但目前仍以娛樂產業之相關應用發展較為迅速。資策會MIC也預估在未來五年內,虛擬實境市場仍會繼續成長。因此本研究嘗試以虛擬實境品牌作為切入點,觀察高科技品牌延伸之影響因素與品牌權益之間的關係,以及在品牌差異下,品牌延伸影響因素對於品牌權益之影響是否會有不同的結果。研究樣本經發放實體及虛擬問卷的方式進行蒐集,以曾購買或體驗過虛擬實境產品之消費者作為研究對象,再由迴歸分析進行後續的探討。   研究結果發現,在虛擬實境品牌之中,品牌延伸影響因素愈為正向時,愈容易強化品牌權益。其中,母品牌實力對於品牌權益之影響最大,其次依序為技術成熟度、感知契合度、營銷支持與品牌延伸歷史;在品牌差異的干擾下,本研究也發現品牌延伸歷史與感知契合度之影響會因品牌的不同而有所差異。因此若高科技品牌商想採用品牌延伸策略延伸至新的產品領域時,其最優先應考慮的是母品牌實力,意即品牌商所推出之產品的功能性及品質是消費者最為在意的因素。希望本研究之研究結果可以幫助高科技品牌商在制定品牌延伸策略時,可以更加了解哪些品牌延伸的影響因素是較為重要的,須多加留意,進而提高品牌延伸成功的機會。


Brand extension strategy is one of the strategies that most brands often used to cross into the new product category. The main reason is that the strategy has the advantages of reducing asset risk, improving brand association, promoting consumer acceptance of new products and so on. Compared to the establishment of new brands, it can help companies save a lot of costs in marketing. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of the brand extension strategy are not limited to the new product categories, which tend to be back to the parent brand itself; it will also have positive or negative impact to the parent brand. Coincides with the rise of virtual reality technology in recent years, many well-known brands such as HTC, Sony or Facebook used brand extension strategy to extend to the virtual reality areas, they also launched headset virtual devices and other related products to seize the virtual reality market. The application of the technology is also very broad, such as real estate, military, medical, entertainment are the popular direction of development in the future, but still the entertainment applications develop more rapidly. The MIC estimates that the virtual reality market will continue to grow over the next five years. Therefore, this study attempts to use the virtual reality brands as a starting point to observe the relationship of high-tech brand extension factors with brand equity, and whether have any different results under the brand difference. The research samples were collected by the entity and the virtual questionnaire, and the consumers who had purchased or experienced the virtual reality products were selected as the research sample, then using the regression analysis for the following discussion. The results of the study found that in the virtual reality brands, when the influence factors of brand extension are more positive, the more likely to strengthen the brand equity. Among all the factors, the parent brand strength has the greatest impact to the brand equity, followed by the order of technical maturity, perceived fit, marketing support and brand extension history. The study also found that the brand extension history and perceived fit will have different result based on brand differences. Therefore, if the high-tech brands try to use brand extension strategy to extend to the new product catagory, the parent brand strength is the first priority should be considered, which means the functionality and quality of the products are the most important factors that consumers will be concerned. Hope that the results of this study can help high-tech brands to develope brand extension strategy, and also can have better understanding on which influence factors are more important or should pay more attention to increase the chance of brand extension success.


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