  • 學位論文


Imperfect item newsboy profit sharing model with corporate social responsibility and trade credit

指導教授 : 黃惠民


近年來供應鏈管理已經是很深遠的一門學問,企業在成本考量上稍有誤差,製造商與零售商所獲取的利潤將隨之波動,如何有效地在成本上嚴加控管,將是一個永恆不變的議題。 主要探討時效性商品在有效的時間限制下需要有快速反應市場的能力,並加入一個在信用交易下利潤分享的合作約定,為了避免顧客延遲付款,加入違約風險,找出供應鏈整體最大的利潤 。 研究中將需求量與信用交易期限視為隨機變數,服從均勻分配函數,建構出總利潤函數模型,利用報童理論之數學模式及微分求極值的方法去套在Maple 14數學軟體去找到在不良品狀態下最佳訂購量與最佳信用交易期限與總利潤的變化。


In recent years, supply chain management has become a long-term business activity. Manufacturer and retailer as the business actors have common financial objective to achieve the profit. The high fluctuation of the total cost can give impact to the profit due to the slight error in the process. Therefore, it becomes challenging to control the error effectively in order to reach the goal. Regarding to a rapidly changing market under effective time constraints, it is necessary to consider credit payment and profit sharing agreement. Additionally, in order to avoid the delay in customer payments and maximize the overall supply chain profits, retailer has to consider the payment through credit and default risk. This study considers the demand and the credit transaction period as the random variables to formulate the uniform profit function and total profit function model. Mathematical newsboy theory model and Maple 14 are the problem solving tools used to find the optimal quantity and trade credit period.


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