  • 學位論文

不同視覺表現在女包網購站內商品資訊與其 網路廣告應用對消費者注意力的影響

The Influence of the Consumer’s Attention from Different Visual Cues of Women Bags’ Product Information and Banner Advertisement effects.

指導教授 : 黃儀婷


網路購物平台中資訊界面不同視覺表現的訊息可影響消費者對選擇的信心及決策的效率,意即較佳的視覺表現可吸引消費者注意並有助提升興趣進而影響購買行為。台灣時尚產業結合文創的女性皮包是年輕女性族群熱愛的網購主要商品之一。本研究鑑於此,透過實驗及問卷調查的整合性研究方法分別探討女包網購「站內商品資訊」的商品視覺顯著度 (圖像明亮度高、低) 和商品內文描述字型 (細明體、娃娃體) 引起的視覺傾向對消費者注意力的影響,以及女包「網路橫幅廣告」的廣告版位 (中間、右側) 和廣告視覺表現手法 (插畫、攝影照片) 對消費者注意力的影響。實驗以螢幕式眼動儀紀錄眼球運動的凝視數據分析受測者的注意力分佈,包含首次凝視時間、總凝視次數和凝視路徑,共獲取40位藝術設計背景受測者和40位非藝術設計背景受測者,共80份有效實驗樣本。 研究結果發現:無論何種視覺表現在網頁版位的左側時比在右側獲得更多視覺注意力,亦即消費者更偏向視覺左側傾向;其中,較高的商品視覺顯著度刺激物置於網頁版位左側時能更顯著吸引注意力;就改變字型的參數而言,使用娃娃體字型 (不易閱讀的字型) 的商品內文描述在網頁版位的右側時能更顯著吸引注意,此結果證明改變商品圖像明亮度與內文描述字型的視覺表現即可影響消費者的注意力。然而無論何種視覺表現放置在網頁版位的左側時,消費者的觀看路徑會呈現Z型的動線;相反地,放置在網頁版位的右側時,消費者的觀看路徑會呈現不固定性的動線,證明了視覺傾向是可被影響的。研究結果也表明:插畫和攝影照片風格的橫幅廣告在不同的橫幅廣告位置組合下對消費者注意力有影響。有藝術設計背景的受測者最感興趣與較能攫取視覺注意力的廣告視覺表現手法依序為可愛插畫、時尚插畫、攝影照片;而非藝術設計背景的受測者最感興趣與較能攫取視覺注意力的廣告視覺表現手法依序為攝影照片、時尚插畫、可愛插畫。


Using different visual format to reinforce the message in online shopping interface can affect consumer confidence in choice and enhance their buying decisions. We should draw consumers attention and target their interest to interfere their consuming behavior. In Taiwan fashion with cultural and creative industry, handbags for women are one of the most popular products in online shop. Therefore, we investigated what are the impacts of both an image of the commodity (women bags) shown on the website and online advertising display on consumers attention by using eyeball experiment and questionnaires, which including salience (brightness) of the image, the text (Common font and Uncommon font) of product description, the allocation of women’s bag “banner advertising" on the web (Middle and Right side) and the visual advertising performance such as illustrations and photographic. By using Eye Tracker to measure the eye movement and record the point of gaze, including the first gaze time, the total gaze time and the gaze path. As a result, respondents with artistic background and non-artistic background were 40 and 40 respectively. Totally 80 valid experiment samples were obtained and the survey helps to analyze the distribution of consumers attention. The study from eye movement shown no matter what kind of visual cues on the left side in the page were more attractive than on the right. It told that consumers tended to gaze at the left. When the high of brightness of images was displayed on the left of the page, it will be able to get extra attention. On the contrary, uncommon font cues was displayed on the right of the page, it will be able to get extra attention. It shown that difference visual cues (the high of brightness of images and uncommon font cues) in different layout on the web have an impact on consumer attention. But no matter what kind of visual cues on the left side in the pages, the vision trajectory follow the “Z” movement pattern. On the contrary, the visual cues on the right side on the pages, the vision trajectory are not fixed movement pattern, it shown that visual tended can be affect. In addition, illustrations and photographic have different effects on consumers' attention with different web banner advertising ad position combinations. Artistic background of the subjects are most interested in and more able to seize the visual attention of the advertising visual expression techniques for the lovely illustrations, fashion illustrations, photographic and non-artistic background of the most interested and more able To capture the visual attention of the advertising visual expression techniques for the photographic, fashion illustrations, lovely illustrations.


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