  • 學位論文


A Meta-analysis on Learning Achievement of Flipped Classroom

指導教授 : 簡志峰




翻轉教室 後設分析


The purpose of this meta-analysis is to explore the learning achievement of flipped classroom. The researcher collected data of 33 published journals and theses between 2012 and 2017. By adopting the meta-analysis on previous experimental studies of flipped classroom, the study aims to understand the correlations between flipped classroom and students’ learning achievement, as well as other variables (e.g., education stages, school location, subject areas). The main conclusions are as follows:(1) The effect size of all the variables for flipped classroom is medium small (d=0.3682); (2) The effect size of learning achievement is approaching small (d= 0.3027); (3) The effect size of learning motivation is medium small (d= 0.4165); (4) The effect size of learning attitude is medium small (d= 0.4584); (5) the effect size of learning satisfaction is medium small (d= 0.5058). Although a flipped classroom makes significantly different in learning achievement and other moderator variables, it doesn’t reach highly significant level. The moderator of students’ learning satisfaction makes more significantly than learning motivation and learning attitude. In terms of education stages, the effect size of senior high school is the strongest (ES=0.80), which means that the flipped classroom in senior high school is better than other education stages. In terms of school location, the effect size of domestic is medium (ES=0.42). The flipped classroom in domestic schools is better than abroad. In terms of subject areas, the effect size of math is the strongest (ES=0.80), which is the highest in this field. According to the results of the study, some practical suggestions are made for future studies.


flipped classroom Meta-analysis


阮金祥、陳柏州 (2014)。學習態度決定高度。師友月刊,564,22-25。
林雅博、林子鈺、王文宜(2013)。合作學習教學策略對不同學習風格學童批判思考與學習態度之影響。 臺灣運動教育學報,8(1),15-30。
