  • 學位論文

餐飲微型創業之環境創新與規劃 以中小型日式創意料理空間為例

Environmental Innovation and Planning for starting a business of the miniature catering A case study of the small and medium size Japanese creative cooking space

指導教授 : 魏主榮


根據經濟部中小企業處的統計資料,餐飲業長久以來均為創業者心中的最愛,而台灣由於與日本有著特殊地緣及歷史關聯性,因此也直接或間接地促使了日式料理的興盛,而隨著近年來微型創業風氣的盛行,更造就出不少中小型的日式餐飲空間矗立街頭巷尾,進而融入了於各個社區,演化成為了社區生活的一部份。 雖然微型或中小型的日式餐飲空間逐年成長的趨勢,但環顧以往,國内並沒有一套以室内設計者的角度,來針對微型創業與中小型日式創意料理建構的研究論述或文獻資料,來分析、說明中小型日式創意料理的空間環境設置以及相關的源由、沿革,與在不同條件、經營模式下的設備、服務等相關的建議與可能的法令關連性。 因此本次的研究希望在透過實際不同案例的探討,針對經營模式與服務以及工作流程,菜色製作需求以及設備建構,店舖面積及座位數與展店預算等要項做出比較與分析,並在透過與相關資料的分析歸納、比對整理後,取得中小型日式創意料理餐飲空間,在設計上的核心價值與設置建構上等共通的基本原則,來協助或提供有志經營日式創意料理的微型創業者或對於餐飲空間設計的研究者一種意見的選擇或指引。


According to the statistics of the SME office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the catering industry has long been the favorite of the hearts of entrepreneurs, and Taiwan has a special geographical and historical relevance with Japan, and it has also contributed directly or indirectly to the flourishing of Japanese cuisine. With the prevalence of mi-cro-entrepreneurial atmosphere in recent years, but also created a lot of small and me-dium-sized Japanese-style food space stands the streets, and then into the various com-munities, evolved into a part of community life. Although the miniature or small and medium-sized Japanese food and beverage space has grown year by year, but look at the past, there is no domestic set of interior designers to point of view, for micro-entrepreneurship and small and medium-sized Japanese-style creative construction of research or literature, To analyze and explain the spatial and en-vironmental settings of small and medium-sized Japanese-style creative dishes, as well as the relevant origin, evolution, and the related laws and regulations, such as equipment and services under different conditions and business models. Therefore, this study hopes to explore and analyze the business model and service, work flow, vegetable production demand and equipment construction, shop area and number of seats and the budget of the exhibition through practical and different cases. And the relevant information analysis summarized, compared to finishing, made small and medium-sized Japanese-style creative dining space, the design of the core values and set up the construction of the basic principles of common to help or provide interested in Japanese-style creative dishes The entrepreneur or the researcher for the design of the dining space is a choice or guideline for the opinion.


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