  • 學位論文


The Impact of Low Fertility on Educational System in Taiwan , Policy Responses to Low ans Its Consequences

指導教授 : 喻肇青 王如鈺


摘 要 我國生育率逐年下降,成為全世界生育率最低國家之一,少子化現象正衝擊教育體系。本文主要藉由文獻分析法與比較研究法,探討少子化現象之成因,其對社會所帶來的影響以及對於學校教育經營方面之衝擊。 藉由比較同樣面臨少子化危機之日本、韓國、英國、香港等地所頒布的政策,提供適合我國執行之教育政策建議。 根據研究結果,因應少子化現象我國可採取之教育改革方向為: (一)推行強化幼兒教育 (二)小班教學 (三)配合人口發展與城鄉差距配置教育資源 (四)提昇教師專業素質水平 (五)活用閒置校舍


Abstract Taiwan is one of the lowest-fertility countries in the whole world. Low fertility rate seriously impact on the educational system in Taiwan. By literature review and comparative study, this report discusses the cause of low fertility and the impact of it toward our society, especially on the aspect of children education. Observing the educational policies in Japan, South Korea, United Kingdom and Hong Kong SAR, this report tries to provide some recommendations for educational policies appropriate to Taiwan. According to the findings, the government could adopt these policies to face the problems of low fertility in Taiwan: 1.Promote early childhood education. 2.Teaching in small classes. 3.According to the population growth trend and the urban-rural differences to improve the distribution of educational resources. 4.Enhance the professional quality of teaching for teachers. 5.Reuse or revitalize vacant spaces of educational facilities.


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