  • 學位論文


The Social Network Analysis of EPBL clustering strategy : A Case Study of Microfilm course.

指導教授 : 李國誠


隨著網路時代來臨的快速蓬勃發展,不只影響到全人類的生活模式,進階的也改變了教育與教學的方法,但是傳統分組的教學模式已經不適用於現今的網路式的教學平台,例如網路教學(Online Teaching)、網路探究式教學法(WebQuest)或是網路化(Web based)問題導向學習…等,其最大的問題是學生自主能力與合作學習精神不夠,小組成員私下的互動不夠以致學習成效不彰,為了解決這問題,此研究以社會網路分析來進行分群策略實驗。 本研究旨在以社會網路分析(Social Network Analysis, SNA)運用下,觀測其問題導向學習(Problem-based learning, PBL)在不同分組策略下的差異。並以準實驗來方式進行,研究對象為一般普通高中的三個班級,課程則以ePBL微電影課程為例。 在現今這個社會網路系統化的呈現關係模式下,社會網路分析已經被廣泛被應用在各個不同的層面領域裡,尤其是統整了大眾與社會科學家的傳統概念。社會網路它既是代表著一種結構關係,也亦可反映行動者與行動者之間的社會關係。而問題導向學習(PBL)係指教師在教學過程中,以實務問題為核心,鼓勵學生進行小組討論,以培養學生主動學習、批判思考和問題解決的能力。所以本研究以社會網路可視化工具(NodeXL)來進行實驗,分析每個網絡的關係矩陣,計算出網絡測量值,以及包含個別分組成員的中心性、中介性、關係數或群聚性等網絡測量,找出其最佳的分群策略並觀察其差異與學習成效,以提供未來在教學過程的合作學習上,有一個新的分組方法,尤其是在問題導向學習(PBL)課程裡,更極其有顯著性之幫助,能以最佳的分群策略,增進課程與學生整體的學習成效。


With the rapid development of the Internet era, not only affects the entire human life mode, advanced education and teaching methods have changed, but the traditional grouping teaching mode is not suitable for modern network teaching platform, such as network teaching (Online Teaching), network inquiry teaching method (Web Quest) or is the Internet (Web based) problem oriented learning... So, the biggest problem is the students' ability of independent learning and cooperative learning spirit is not enough, the team members in adverse interaction so that learning ineffective, in order to solve this problem, the research of clustering scheme experiment in social network analysis, observation of problem-based learning (PBL) in different groups of difference strategy. The research subjects are three classes of senior high school curriculum, with ePBL microfilm course as an example, the relationship between matrix and NodeXL network analysis tools to identify each network, calculate the network measurement center, agency, or relationship between the number of cluster network measurement and contains individual group members, to find out the best the clustering strategy and observe the differences and the effect of learning, to provide future cooperative learning in the teaching process, there is a new way of grouping, especially in problem oriented learning (PBL) course, with the hope of helping more significantly, with the best clustering strategy, enhance the effectiveness of learning curriculum and students' overall the.


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