  • 學位論文


Sustainable Planning of Campus - Modification and Application on the System Model for Systems of Water Resources and its Environmental Education

指導教授 : 戴永禔


就校園永續發展的觀點而言,在校園空間環境中,水資源乃是重要的教學材料,校園的實質空間與水資源的運用有著密切的關聯。水,是關乎人類文明存續興亡的珍貴資源,其不只是維持生命的基本,更能影響我們的一切。而教育,即是傳達永續發展理念最有效益的方式,校園中若能妥善安排運用水資源,將能使校園環境更加貼近永續發展之理念。然而,在現今的校園經營規劃中,校園整體環境的建構常將水資源與環境教育進行個別化的探討,鮮少處理兩者間之關聯性。因此,在現今普遍的校園中,其用水狀況即在校方的長期忽視下,衍伸出水資源循環使用程度過低之問題,造成水資源的浪費。   我以系統生態學之思維,將校園水資源和環境教育系統與現有之生態系統模型進行轉化,透過「校園水量系統模型」之調整與「校園環教系統模型」之重製來改善原有之「永續校園水資源環教系統模型」,並以此做為校園水資源管理與環境教育教案規劃之設計思考工具。然而,永續校園之建構不單只在於校園環境硬體之改造與課程教案軟體之規劃,而是應該將所欲傳達之永續環境精神透過教學課程與校園環境之整合來達到教育目的。因此,我透過清水國小整體空間環境之規劃做為本次校園永續規劃之重點,並利用「永續校園水資源環教系統模型」做為清水國小在校園水資源管理與環境教育教案規劃上之設計思考工具,透過檢視校園之水資源運用情形與環教特色課程之教學狀況,建構出清水國小現況水資源與環教系統模型,並和先前之「永續校園水資源環教系統理想模型」進行比對,藉以探討校園水資源在實質環境規劃上之欠缺,並利用實質環境空間之重新規劃來解決清水國小在用水上之困境。而後,再透過檢視校園現況水資源環教特色課程來探討清水國小在水資源環境教育教案規劃上之改善重點,並與校園水資源實質環境空間做歸納整合,使清水國小水資源硬體空間得以與軟體環境教育課程相互結合,提升學校在水資源環境教育上之教學效益。 透過對「永續校園水資源環教系統模型」重製與實作過程之描述,我期望能為校園在水資源規劃與管裡中提供一套新的設計思維與方法,藉由硬體空間與軟體教案之規劃整合,使永續校園之理念與精神,能夠完全發揮於校園空間環境中。


Education is the most effective way to convey the concept of sustainable development. In the campus, water resources are an important teaching theme of environmental education. The use of water resources is closely related to campus space. If schools can make good use of water resources, the campus environment will be closer to the concept of sustainable development. However, in today's campus overall environmental planning, water resources and environmental education are often treated and discussed separately, and the relationship between the two has not been resolved. As a result, water use on campus has been neglected for a long time, and water resources are recycled. The problem of using too low is a waste of water resources. After understanding the foundation of system ecology, I modified and applied the original campus water resources system and environmental education system model as a design thinking tool for Qingshui Elementary School in the process of developing sustainable campus. Use this system model to explore the problems of water resources in Qingshui Elementary School in environmental planning and curriculum planning, and to solve the problem of water shortage in Qingshui Elementary School by re-planning the campus space and increasing the teaching plan, while improving the school's water environment education curriculum. Richness. Finally, through the description of the revision and implementation process of the “Campus Water Education System Model”, I hope to use the integration of hardware space and software teaching plan to provide a new set of design ideas and methods for campus water resources planning. Make the concept and spirit of sustainable development fully utilized in campus space and campus environment.


