  • 學位論文


The Course Content and Creative Instruction for Interior Design Drawing

指導教授 : 陳歷渝


在室內設計的實務操作過程中,為清楚表達設計者的構想,圖面是不可或缺的溝通工具,室內圖學的表達能力將影響設計溝通成效。隨著科技發展,電腦繪圖軟體功能的提升,製圖已從傳統的工具製圖演變為以電腦軟體輔助的方式為之。為了解國內室內圖學教育現況及學習成效改善方法,本研究以國內13所大學院校「室內設計系」與國外2所室內設計系院校為對象,探討「室內圖學」教學內容與現況,就各校課程名稱與教學內容加以比較,發現國外課程規劃強調整合性思考,主要為讓學生在課程中發展視覺化和溝通能力,在訓練過程中把3D空間想法透過圖示語彙以2D圖面表達出來,而目前台灣室內圖學課程教學仍維持傳統製圖分科學習模式。經由訪談圖學教學者與學習者,從中擷取五個傳統圖學課程學習上較困難的單元(三視圖、比例、圖例、樓梯及天花板),進行教材改進設計,製作創新教材,藉由電腦3D動畫影片,讓學習者透過視覺經驗建構空間觀念,提升空間理解能力。再利用此教材,選擇「設計相關科系」及「非設計相關科系」受測者進行教學實驗,了解學習成效差異,研究發現: 創新教材設計對於建構空間觀念確有幫助,透過視覺經驗了解3D立體模型轉化成2D平面圖,比傳統的抄圖及背圖學習方式,能更直覺達到良好學習成效。受測者在觀看過教學影片後,認為動畫教材影片具有良好的教學成效。其中,「三視圖單元」透過自由旋轉的功能,讓受測者在腦海中建立立體影像,學習成效最佳;「樓梯單元」因所包含較多複雜的專業知識,在兩組受測者中答對率相較其他單元稍低。


When it comes to interior design, drawing is an indispensable tool to convey the designer’s idea and design concepts. How to convey through interior design drawing affects how effectively a design is communicated. Nowadays, the technology development continues to better the functions of computer graphics program, which have prompted a transition from using traditional drafting tools to the use of computer-aided design and drafting (CADD). To better understand the current interior design drawing education and to improve student’s learning outcomes, this research studied 13 departments of interior design in the country, and two programs in other countries to discuss the teaching materials and the status of the interior design drawing modules. After comparing the module titles and the curriculum contents, this paper realizes that drawing courses in foreign countries place great emphasis on design thinking, which is to integrate student’s ability to visualize and to communicate effectively. During the process, students are trained to convey their ideas of a 3D space through words and symbols on 2D drawings. However, the current drawing curriculum in Taiwan still follows the traditional way of dividing the drawing courses by different subjects. After interviewing the lecturers and learners of drawing courses, this paper selected five topics to improve the teaching materials. The five topics, which are three-view drawing, proportion, legend, stairs, and ceiling, are viewed to be the ones that are more difficult in traditional drawing courses. In this research, the teaching materials were re-designed and improved. For instance, through displaying 3D motion graphics, learners can construct the concept of space by visualizing and improve their understanding of the space planning. Furthermore, in order to understand the difference of the learning outcomes, this creative instruction method was performed on two groups of participants, one with “design-related educational background” and the other without relative background. The research finds that creative instruction is indeed helpful for learners to construct the concept of space. Using visual experiences to understand how 3D models are transformed into 2D drawings is much more straightforward which allows learners to better understand the concept of space planning. After watching the instruction video, the research participants thought the animated illustration is very effective for learning. Using motion graphics results in better learning outcomes in comparison using the traditional way of requesting students to copy and memorize the drawings.The research results show that using free rotating and spinning when learning “three-view drawing” results in the best learning outcome as it allows research participants to construct a 3D image in their mind. The topic of stairs consists of more complex knowledge and concepts which results in a lower percentage of students answering the questions correctly.


巫銘昌、張文龍、陳嬋娟(2012)。台灣設計教育的回顧與展望。台灣教育雙月刊,(674) ,77-80。
