  • 學位論文


Neural Implications of Repetitive Manual Tasks Using Electroencephalography

指導教授 : 呂志維


在21世紀高科技世代的環境下,現代工業環境隨著科技日新月異,越來越多高科技技術的應用蓬勃發展,特別是在高級自動化和人機界面方面。儘管如此,多樣性和靈活性的操作在人工作業仍然是無法被取代的元素。本文研究的意義主要在探討個體於手工作業時對於神經的影響。在受控制的實驗中利用腦波圖(QEEG)和Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test量測20名參與者的大腦活動和作業績效。QEEG結果顯示在手工作業期間Gamma和Beta振盪呈現高度相關。大腦的枕骨部分與額葉相比之下,額葉的活躍程度相對來的高。此外,根據實驗,本研究發現重複的手工作業往往會降低個人的工作績效。統計分析得出結論,重複性手工作業確實會影響大腦活動,甚至可能對於參與者的健康狀況產生負面的影響。


The modern industrial environment can be described by the advanced technology of the 21st century especially in terms of high-level automation and human-machine interfaces. However, despite this, human labor still represents an irreplaceable element in many operations which require variety and flexibility. This research aims to magnify the focus on the neural implications of repetitive manual tasks to an individual. Quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) and Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test were the tools utilized to measure 20 participants’ brain activity and task performance respectively on a controlled experiment. QEEG results shows that Gamma and Beta Oscillations were highly present during the task performance. The frontal lobe is dominantly active compared to the occipital part of the brain. Moreover, based from the experiment, this research found out that repetitive manual tasks tend to lower an individual’s performance level. The statistical analysis concluded that manual repetitive task does modulate the brains activity and could possibly have a negative effect on the participant’s health.


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