  • 學位論文


Applyig Social Exchange Theory and Multiple Criteria Decision Making to Find Key Factors Influencing Micro English Cram School Operation

指導教授 : 胡宜中 邱榆淨


在少子化日益嚴重,學生來源不足再加上美語班林立的威脅與競爭,如何求得一席之地實為微型美語班所面臨之嚴苛挑戰。對微型美語班而言,因各方面資源不如中小型補習班豐富,更需要戰戰兢兢追求為家長及學生創造價值而努力,致力提升服務品質與教學成效。微型美語補習班與在地關係較為緊密,且基於經營者本身對語言教學的熱誠,老闆兼老師親力親為、自主經營,運作模式較為彈性。補習班也因此可因應不同學生家長需求設計課程,與家長互動密切,也能透過人際互動產生對利益與成本的交換與期待,因此透過社會交換理論觀點去探討微型美語補習班經營之關鍵因素有其合理性。在互動過程中,家長所付出的不僅包含學費的財務因素、也包含信任與利他的非財務因素,整體而言,美語班與家長之間希望建立夥伴關係以達成雙贏。 本研究以桃園地區已經營三十多年且具良好口碑的M微型美語補習班為個案,以社會交換理論為多準則決策分析的基礎,找出影響微型美語補習班經營之關鍵因素,本研究結果應可作為日後微型美語補習班經營者或有意願的新進者在經營管理之參考。 本研究透過德爾菲法訪談業界經驗豐富之專家,以建構出影響微型美語補習班經營關鍵因素之研究架構,之後運用決策實驗室法,針對M美語班與其他美語班家長之問卷填答結果進行分析。研究結果顯示「形象口碑聲譽」、「教學方法與策略」及「專業師資」、「教學品質」、「師生互動與激勵」、「學習成效」、「教師個人特質」、「親友就讀與推薦」等8項為影響微型美語補習班經營之關鍵因素。 因果圖顯示,欲有效改善關鍵因素之績效,可以考慮「教師個人特質」或「教學品質」著手改善,由於「教師個人特質」屬傾向影響其他準則的「因」,而「教學品質」屬傾向被其他準則影響的「果」,因此以「教師個人特質」作為影響整體經營的源頭,在實務上亦有其合理性。研究發現「充分展現專業教學熱誠」、「樂於互動分享相互激勵」及「持續投入教學品質改善」的個人特質的美語老師,對於微型美語補習班的經營有很大的影響,因此美語班在教師的人格特質上應特別關注。


Faced with a low fertility rate, insufficient student population, along with the threat and competition of many other English Cram Schools, striving for a share in the market has been a severe challenge for micro English cram schools. As far as micro English cram schools are concerned, they need to make more efforts to create value for parents and students with better service quality and teaching effectiveness relative to larger-sized competitors. Micro English cram schools have a closer bond with the local community. The school owners tend to be more devoted to their students, out of their enthusiasm for teaching with a more flexible autonomous operation model. As a result, they design various courses accordingly, and usually maintain close interactions with parents. Parents who establish these relations with English cram schools hope to take advantage of this interpersonal relationship through interactions to gain benefit, expecting more out of costs. Therefore, applying Social Exchange Theory to find key factors influencing micro English cram school operations has its rationale. Furthermore, what parents contribute throughout the interactions not only includes tuition fees as financial aspects, but it also involves trust and altruism as non-financial ones. All in all, English cram schools wish to establish partnership with parents to accomplish a win-win relationship. This thesis aims at applying Social Exchange Theory and Multiple Criteria Decision Making to find key factors influencing micro English cram school operations, using M-school, a 30-year-old school with a good reputation, as a case study. The result can be served as a reference for the current operators and new comers interested in micro English cram school operation. A literature review is presented first to provide a base for a panel of experts in the field to participate in a classic Delphi study. After establishing a research framework for factors influencing micro English cram school operations, it utilizes Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory to analyze outcomes of a questionnaire from student parents in M-School, as well as other English cram schools. The result indicates 8 key factors that have an impact on the school operations: image and reputation, teaching methods and strategies, expertise of teachers, teaching quality, teacher-student interactions and encouragement, learning outcomes, personality traits of teachers, and experience and recommendation of relatives or friends. The Causal diagram displays that if a micro English cram school intends to improve its performance of key factors, they should begin with the consideration of personality traits of teachers and teaching quality. Yet the personality traits of teachers belongs to the cause affecting other criteria while teaching quality tends to be the effect. Thus, personality traits of teachers as the source of influencing overall operation has its rationality in practical. This research finds the teachers with personality traits as follows: "full presentation of professional teaching enthusiasm", "willingness to interact and share mutual motivation" and "continuous commitment to improvement in teaching quality" have a great impact on micro English school operations. Hence, micro English schools should pay special attention to personality traits of teachers.


bychen's blog,2013,「數學系的出路之微型創業:學校隔壁的家教補習班」,http://bychens.blogspot.com/2013/04/what-a-math-student-can-do.html#more,搜尋日期2019年04月4日。
吳佳琪,2017,台灣補教業經營型態與策略之研究,國立臺灣師範大學高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA) 未出版碩士論文。
