  • 學位論文


Applied Design Thinking Model to Establish Standard Products Inventory Real Time Operating Systematic Research - A Case Study of W Company

指導教授 : 曾世賢


在資訊科技爆炸時代如何有效率的運用多樣化資訊系統,來提供使用者即時資訊 管理。本研究針對標準品的庫存管理的方式做研究,以W 公司為研究對象在有限的資 源下取得合理且適當的存貨,達到滿足客戶的對交期與數量的需求,並利用系統即時 呈現庫存狀況及交期狀況,將資訊透明且即時不需到處問人浪費時間,並可彈性調度 庫存以降低問題庫存的產生並合理的備庫存,讓企業增加競爭能力。 本研究中運用設計思考模式來探討,以人的「痛點」為出發點,主要以銷售員及 庫存管理員與生產管理員為視角,找出問題及需求為各種議題尋求創新解決方案。並 將創新方法轉化成一個可行的即時作業系統,此系統中包含客戶需求數量、需求時間、 生產產品數量、生產時間、將需求與實際產出做一個結合,就是透過管理機制之建立 及執行,隨著時間縱軸(現在及未來)充分且有效的掌握量 (包括銷售預估量、訂單量、 預估量之庫存、成品庫存量、銷售量) 的變化,並能有效率的消化資訊而配合企業整 體策略做出適當的調整。


In the era of information technology explosion, how to efficiently use diversified information systems to provide users with real-time information management. This research focuses on the method of inventory management of standard products. This is a case study of W company to obtain reasonable and appropriate inventory with limited resources to meet the customer's demand for delivery time and quantity. Present inventory status and delivery status, transparent information and no need to ask people everywhere to waste time, and flexible scheduling of inventory to reduce the generation of problematic inventory and reasonable inventory preparation, so that companies can increase their competitiveness. In this study, we use the design thinking model to discuss, taking the "pain points" of people as the starting point, mainly from the perspective of sales staff and inventory managers and production managers, to find problems and needs and find innovative solutions for various issues. And transform the innovative method into a feasible real-time operating system, this system includes the customer demand and quantity demand time, production product quantity, production time, the demand and the actual output are combined, is through the establishment and implementation of management mechanism, With the time axis (now and in the future) fully and effectively grasp the changes (including sales forecast, orders, inventory prediction, products inventory, sales) changes, and can effectively digest information And make appropriate adjustments in accordance with the overall strategy of the enterprise.


1. 丁進益(2019)。以TRIZ 理論探討庫存管理優化之研究,中原大學企業管理學系碩
2. 鄧世禎(2006)。庫存管理實務/國家出版社
3. 賴利・萊佛, 麥可・路里克, 派翠克・林克,設計思考全攻略/ 天下雜誌出版
4. David Simchi-Levi;Philip Kaminsky;Edith Simchi-Levi (2014) (何應欽譯)。供應鏈設
