  • 學位論文


The Impact of Online Reviews on Impulsive Buying Behavior-An Example of Shopee

指導教授 : 高一誠


隨著電商的蓬勃發展,線上購物早已發展成人們日常的一種生活習慣,但線上購物的非實體性、交易過程的非同步性使得消費者無法像傳統通路那樣看到實物產品,從而產生了一定的購買風險,也因此線上評論作為網路的社交互動就成了重要的存在,本文探討了線上評論對消費者瀏覽蝦皮購物網站時對衝動購買行為的影響。本研究建立了一個基於刺激-有機體-反應框架的研究模型,並結合先前對網路社交互動的研究。本研究認為社交互動因素可以作為刺激線索。具體而言,基於線上評論的社交互動,亦即論點品質、來源可信度和喚起(刺激)可能會影響消費者感知有用性和積極情感(有機體),進而影響衝動性購買行為(反應)。 本研究採用網路問卷進行資料蒐集,共回收有效問卷180份,並以PLS-SEM軟體作為統計分析之工具。問卷內容分為論點品質、來源可信度、喚起、感知有用性、積極情感、衝動性購買行為及基本資料七個部分,研究對象為有在蝦皮購物網站上購物的經驗並且會參考評論內容的消費者。研究結果顯示:(一) 論點品質與感知有用性具有正向影響;(二) 來源可信度與感知有用性具有正向影響;(三) 喚起與積極情感具有正向影響;(四) 感知有用性與積極情感具有正向影響;(五) 積極情感與衝動性購買行為具有正向影響。透過本研究結果,為企業提供實務上之建議,建議業者應該在網站上融入網路社交互動元素,不僅僅能刺激消費者對產品產生興趣,並且同時對該賣場其他商品產生好奇,因此達到行銷的目的。


With the rapid development of e-commerce, online shopping has been a daily life habit of people, but there are serious risks involved, so online reviews have become an important key as a social interaction on the Internet. This paper explores how online social interactions may influence consumers’ impulse purchases when they browse Shopee shopping websites. We develop a research model based on the stimulus-organism-response framework and prior research on online social interactions. We propose that social interaction factors may serve as stimulating cues. In specific, opinion-based social interaction (i.e., review quality, source credibility, and arousal) may affect perceived usefulness and positive affect (organism), which further lead to consumers’ urge to buy impulsively (response). The data of the research was collected by online research, recycling 180 valid responses, and analyzed by PLS-SEM. The content of the questionnaire is divided into seven parts: Argument Quality、Source Credibility、Arousal、Perceived Usefulness、Positive Affect、Impulse Purchase, and Basic Information. This research aims to see people who have experience shopping on the Shopee website and will refer to the online reviews. The research’s result shows that(1) Argument Quality has a significant positive impact on Perceived Usefulness; (2)Source Credibility has a significant positive impact on Perceived Usefulness; (3)Arousal has a significant positive impact on Positive Affect; (4)Perceived usefulness has a significant positive impact on Positive Affect; (5)Positive Affect has a significant positive impact on Impulse Purchase. Based on the results of this research, we provide practical suggestions for companies. It is recommended that companies integrate online social interaction elements on their websites, which can stimulate not only consumers' interest in products but also curiosity about other products in the store.


1.黃俊堯與柳秉佑,2016,消費者線上口碑與評論研究:國內外相關文獻回顧與討論,臺大管理論叢 ,26卷3期:215-256。
