  • 學位論文


The Study of Retro Illustration and its Applications to Visual Design

指導教授 : 張道本


復古風格出現於1980年代的美國平面設計中,與戰後主流的國際主義不同,更著重創作者具有個人特色的表現,以及歷史元素的復興。歷史上復古風格在不同領域也以不同形式流行,如建築、產品、時尚等。復古與在地文化有著緊密的關聯性;也與對當下時代的反思情緒相輔相成,因此復古在不同地域與年代一再被人們提起。 插畫則是歷史淵遠的復古運動與個人特色表現手法之一,原本以輔助文字為導向,演變至具豐富藝術性與展現個人理念的媒介;又現代學者提出的情感設計,針對身心多層次的感知現象應用於設計中;為了能在創作中展現個人的復古理念,同時能更貼近觀賞者的復古觀點,本次研究創作將針對復古、懷舊、情感和插畫逐一梳理其中的意義與關聯性。探討復古插畫與設計的歷史脈絡,以及懷舊與情感詞彙上的定義與其心理運作模式,深入瞭解復古的意義與價值;目的為在本次復古插畫與周邊商品的創作上,視覺和媒材應用能夠貼近復古的意涵。 案例分析中歸納整理國際與臺灣的復古風格。並進行二十世紀臺灣復古插畫與周邊商品之創作,以《人類手札》此自創品牌將創作加以整合。復古插畫與周邊商品的創作過程,著重於實現情感設計;插畫表現與周邊設計,緊扣二十世紀臺灣家園的復古意象,強調插畫的花紋、周邊商品的材質以及兩者之間的契合度,使用絹印與刺繡等傳統工法來呈現插畫裝飾性的線條;另外折衷加入現代的設計理念,創造出觀賞者或使用者能透過視覺與觸覺的情感設計。


復古 里特羅 插畫 情感設計 懷舊 復古臺灣


Retro Style, which appeared in American graphic design in the 1980s, was different from mainstream internationalism after World War II. It emphasized the performance of the designer with personal characteristics and the resurrection of historic elements. Historically, retro styles have also been popular in different fields with various forms, such as architecture, products and fashion. Retro was closely related to local culture and the reflection on the contemporary era; therefore, Retro has been mentioned in different areas and periods. Illustration was an ancient art and craft to express personal thoughts. Originally oriented from auxiliary text, it has evolved into a medium that is rich in artistry and expresses personal ideas. Besides, modern scholars propose emotional designs that aim at multiple levels of physical and mental perception. The purpose of the research is to express the personal retro ideas, and to approach the audience’s point of view of retro image. Therefore, the research and creation will focus on retro, nostalgia, emotions and illustration to sort out the meaning and relevance of them. This research investigates the history of illustration and retro design as well as the definition of “nostalgia” and “emotion”, and its psychological impact. The purpose is to recreate the idea of retro through the visual and material of retro illustration and peripheral products The case studies summarize the international and Taiwanese retro styles. According to the study results, the author created 20th-century Taiwanese retro illustrations and peripheral products and integrated the creation with its own brand and human note. The process of retro illustration and the creation focuses on the emotional design, emphasizing the pattern of the illustration, the material of the peripheral products, and the use of traditional methods such as silk printing and embroidery to present emotional design that the viewer or user can recognize through vision and touch.


retro illustration emotional design nostalgia retro Taiwan


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