  • 學位論文


A Study of Pope Francis’ Concept of Poverty and Its Praxis

指導教授 : 歐力仁


本論文目的在於研究現任教宗方濟各(Pope Francis)的貧窮觀,以及他所提出之解決貧窮的對策。 首先(論文第二章),研究者先探討教宗成長、求學與牧職階段對其貧窮觀的影響,以及聖經教導、聖方濟行誼、耶穌會陶成、教會傳統如何影響教宗的貧窮觀。其次(第三章),論文分析教宗所發表的四個相關文獻(通諭和文告),從中擷取出教宗對於貧窮的教導以及對窮人的關懷與。 第三(第四章),論文聚焦於教宗的貧窮觀。研究者發現,教宗眼中的窮人並不侷限在經濟弱勢者,而是包括所有被政治或社會邊緣化的「背棄者」,包括難民、孤兒寡婦、性工作者、被暴力對待的人,以及被迫離開家園的移民等。其成因是社會不公義以及政治混亂。 接下來(第五章)指出,除了發表通諭和文告之外,教宗也採取具體行動,試圖解決貧窮的問題。例如,設立窮人日,接待難民家庭,參訪,舉行彌撒,倡導與窮人的「相遇文化」,揚棄「丟棄文化」與「浪費」文化,把地球資源作公平分配等,以這些行動來表達對窮苦孤貧者的憐惜與關顧。此外,教宗亦呼籲教會團體,每天都要採取行動,親近窮人,並慰藉他們。 最後,筆者認為,儘管台灣的基督新教徒因為教義的差異鮮少注意和參與天主教會的事務,然而透過此論文的研究,筆者發現天主教教宗方濟各的觀點值得基督新教學習。 關鍵字:教宗方濟各、貧窮觀、窮人、教宗通諭、世界窮人日


The purpose of the thesis is to research into Pope Francis’ concept of poverty and how he puts his own theory of poverty into practice and his solution to the problem of poverty. In so doing the present thesis firstly (Chapter 2) explores the indispensable elements that influence and take shape of the Pope’s concept of poverty, such as the biblical concept of poverty, the words and deeds of St. Francis of Assisi, his earlier spiritual formation and education in the Society of Jesus and Roman Catholic Church tradition. Secondly (Chapter 3), the present writer analyzes four documents the Pope enacts and delivers (encyclicals and bull) to capture his teachings on poverty and care for the poor. Thirdly (Chapter 4), the thesis focuses on the main theme, the Pope’s concept of poverty. In studying the present writer realizes that what the Pope means by “the poor” is not limited to those who are materially in need, but also includes those who are politically and socially marginalized or alienated, including refugees, widows, orphans, prostitutes, the mistreated and those who are forced to flee their homeland, due to social injustice and political chaos. Lastly (Chapter 5), the thesis points out that apart from issuing encyclicals and bull the Pope also takes action to resolve the various problems caused by poverty. For example, he establishes the “World Day of the Poor”, helps refugees settle down in safe places, visits the poor families, encourages the “culture of meeting with the poor” and “distributing earthly resources equitably” and condemns “the culture of abandon and waste”, so as to sympathizes with and love the poor. The thesis concludes that owing to different doctrines the Protestant Christians in Taiwan rarely pay attention to or cooperate with the Catholic Church, however, it is worthwhile learning form Pope Francis’ the teachings concerning and actions for the poor. Keywords: Pope Francis, concept of poverty, the poor, encyclicals, World Day of the Poor


一、 外文書籍(含電子書)
Bergoglio, Jorge Mario and Skorka Abraham. “On Heaven and On Earth: Pope on Faith , Family, and the Church in the Twenty-First Century”. Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/gp/kindle/pc/download
Ivereigh, Austen. Wounded Shepherd, Pope Francis and His Struggle to Convert the Catholic Church. https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=daeDDwAAQBAJ pg=GBS.PT42.w.0.0.295
Pope Francis. The Joy of the Gospel, New York: Random House LLC, 2014.
Pope Francis. The Light of Faith, 2013. http://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20130629_enciclica-lumen-fidei.html
