  • 學位論文


The studying of homestay planning to combine experience marketing with community development

指導教授 : 謝淳鈺


近年來臺灣觀光休閒產業蓬勃發展,民宿業者若能靈活運用體驗行銷的策略與地方農林漁業者結合,或搭配地區傳統文化,不但能發展地方特色更可以促進社區發展,進而創造雙贏共生的經濟利益。 本研究分析在體驗經濟的趨勢之下,遊客們渴望在體驗的過程中能夠擁有獨一無二的體驗感受,而不是單純的付費住房,因此近年來民宿業者的經營型態開始變得需要更多元、更推陳出新,因此大部分的民宿經營業者都期待透過體驗行銷的規劃來提升住房率及收入。 而體驗經濟若能透過與社區結合加強推廣,希冀能為業者增加收入。 本研究採質性研究,希望透過專家訪談,分析民宿業者、體驗行銷與社區發展之關聯性。並針對住宿旅客實行問卷調查,評估其對於民宿業之住宿體驗。 本研究藉由分析民宿的特色、體驗行銷與社區發展之關聯性,希冀能提供未來研究的新方向,協助業者與社區結合共同開啟永續經營的契機,達成民宿業者、社區及消費者三贏的局面,並作為設計師在做整體規劃時的方向及依據。相信民宿業者在規劃時是必須要對當地環境以及地方特色有一定的了解及熟稔,並與地方結合,如此在經營民宿時添加上特色體驗,才能容易在消費者心中留下美好的印象,以達成永續經營的目標,最後創造雙贏的局面。


In Taiwan, the tourism and leisure industry boom in recent years. If Bed and Breakfast (B B) owners can flexibly use experiential marketing strategies to combine with local farmers, forestry and fisheries, or with local traditional culture, they can not only develop local characteristics, but also promote community development, creating win-win and co-existence economic benefits. With the trend towards experiential economy, consumers are eager to seek a unique experience, rather than simply paying for accommodation. Becoming more diverse and innovative in their business approach, most B B owners expect and aim to provide consumers with a valuable and unforgettable consumer experience, attempting to boost accommodation rate and revenue through experiential marketing plans. In addition to providing high-quality accommodation, featured B Bs also attract more consumers if they can experience more local culture and customs. This can be a positive cycling mode. If a B B owner is obsessed with profits without identifying different features of B B, or making use of regional resources as well as local characteristics, there will be little difference between B Bs and providers of accommodation in the market. B Bs will poorly operate, let alone sustainable developments. The key, therefore, is to develop the right marketing strategy or sales approach, with a good understanding of the local environment and local characteristics. With adding featured experiences, B Bs can operate better, leaving consumers a good memory. Also, strengthening a connection with community development is used to achieve sustainable development, finally creating a win-win situation. This research analyzes the relationship among features of B Bs, experiential marketing and community development, aiming to provide a new direction for future research. Further, the research aims to join owners and communities together, opening up opportunities for sustainable development, and achieving a win-win situation for B B owners, communities and consumers. Also, it serves as a direction and basis for designers in their overall planning.


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