  • 學位論文


The Influence of Emotions on Conscious and Unconscious Thought in Decision Making

指導教授 : 趙軒甫


Dijksterhuis(2004)認為人們在經歷無意識思考(unconscious thought)之後的決策表現將優於經歷有意識思考(conscious thought)。本研究回顧情緒機制與效果預測不同情緒類型對思考歷程的影響,並提出基礎情緒(basic emotions)對無意識思考歷程造成影響以及複雜情緒(complex emotions)對有意識思考造成影響之假設。對此,本研究透過操弄參與者的基礎情緒狀態(愉悅與恐懼)以及複雜情緒狀態(自豪與羞愧),並沿用Dijksterhuis(2004)的實驗程序以操弄參與者之有意識思考與無意識思考方式,以觀察情緒對個體有意識思考與無意識思考決策的影響。結果發現在正向基礎情緒狀態下,有意識思考與無意識思考的決策表現相當;在正向複雜情緒狀態下,無意識思考的決策表現優於有意識思考;在負向基礎情緒狀態下,無意識思考的決策表現優於有意識思考;在負向複雜情緒狀態下,無意識思考的決策表現優於有意識思考。此外,透過觀察不同情緒參與者對於選擇產品的偏好可知,處於負向情緒之參與者會因所經歷的思考情境而有不同的選擇偏好。另一方面,對處於正向情緒的參與者而言,思考情境並不會影響其選擇。


Unconscious thought refers to thinking without consciousness. Dijksterhuis (2004) showed that people could make better decision making after unconscious thought than after conscious thought. In the present study, by using an autobiographical memory task to induce basic or complex, and positive or negative emotions, I investigated the impact of emotions on conscious and unconscious decision making. The results showed that emotions modulated the difference between conscious and unconscious decision making. First of all, when the participants were in the positive-basic emotional state, the quality of decision-making of conscious thinkers were as good as unconscious thinkers. Secondly, when the participants were in the positive-complex emotional state, the quality of decision-making of unconscious thinkers were better than conscious thinkers. Thirdly, when participants were in the negative-basic emotional state, the quality of decision-making of unconscious thinkers were better than conscious thinkers. Finally, when participants were in the negative-complex emotional state, the quality of decision-making of unconscious thinkers were better than conscious thinkers.


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