  • 學位論文


Study of "Other Means Against One's Will" Element in the Crime of Forcible Rape

指導教授 : 洪兆承


自公元2010年之白玫瑰運動後,我國刑法第十六章-妨害性自主罪章,有越來越受到公眾矚目之趨勢。其中,刑法第221條之強制性交罪,又是妨害性自主罪章中最為核心、重要之規定。刑法第221條之條文應如何解釋?應採取何種立法模式為佳?其實是極為複雜的問題,其判斷標準與刑罰界限,皆難以以一言蔽之。與性犯罪有關之主張與見解,歷來多有分歧且容易爭執不下,無論是學說還是實務,都尚未達成一個統一的共識。當前或有主張應該要著重於當事人之意志者,亦有主張仍應關注於行為人施用之強制方法者,各執其詞且所言皆有其理。 發現真實是刑事訴訟的重要目的之一,其目的在於希望勿枉勿縱。對本文而言,保護法益與避免冤枉是同樣重要的事情。希望能夠透過法律解釋或是立法設計之方式,來達成保障性自主決定權與避免冤屈兩大目標之衡平。是故本文將就我國實務及學界之見解加以闡述及分析,並對其優缺長短作出評判。其後亦將探討日本刑法規定、實務見解與學說主張,希望他國之立法例能夠在我國立法設計上給予一些靈感或參考。如果本文對於我國性犯罪法律的立法設計,能有些微的助益,即屬幸甚。


Since the White Rose Movement in 2010, Chapter 16 of the Criminal Code-Interference with Sex Liberty has increasingly drawn the public attention. Among it, Article 221 of the Criminal Code-the crime of forcible rape is the most essential part. Such questions “How to interpret Article 221?” “Which legislative model is more applicable to Article 221?” are complicated. Therefore, the standard of judgement of such questions and the penalty boundary of Article 221 could not be elaborated in short. Both academics and the practice field claim distinctively to the interpretation of sex crime, and neither of them reached a consensus within. Currently, some argue that it should be focused on victims’ will, and others emphasize the various force methods adopted by the sex offenders, both views are reasonable. Discovering the truth is one of the key purposes of criminal proceedings, the goal of which is to avoid wrongful convictions and missed judgments. In this essay, protecting legal interests is just as important as preventing miscarriage of justice. Additionally, this essay seeks to strike a balance between the guarantee of the right of sexual self-determination and the prevention of injustice through legal interpretation and legislative design. Therefore, this essay details and analyzes the views of judicial practice and scholars thereby weighing their pros and cons. Then, the author discusses Japanese Criminal law, with opinions of Japanese judicial practice and academia. It is hoped that the Japanese legislative examples will provide a reference for our legislative design. I would be honored if this essay is of any help to the legislative design of sexual crimes.




